so many job postings!
@[email protected] I think I’m done with HPC; it’s all commercial applications now, it seems, which is basically oil and gas or “defense contractors”.
It’d be nice to work on problems related to opening up access to data (scientific or otherwise), which requires a skill set that includes investigating (and testing/hacking), conversion, parallel data pipelines, packaging them in a nice format, etc. I have those skills as well, though I rarely get to use or talk about them. -
@[email protected] I think I’m done with HPC; it’s all commercial applications now, it seems, which is basically oil and gas or “defense contractors”.
It’d be nice to work on problems related to opening up access to data (scientific or otherwise), which requires a skill set that includes investigating (and testing/hacking), conversion, parallel data pipelines, packaging them in a nice format, etc. I have those skills as well, though I rarely get to use or talk about them. -
@aud wish I could recommend the games industry but it seems to be doing the opposite of hiring right now you'd be a good fit for rendering
@[email protected] thank you! I appreciate that. I think I would be too, honestly; obviously I don't have the domain expertise (which is... you know, if they're not hiring experienced people, they're definitely not hiring for trainable staff).
@aud you forgot: work multiple menial labor jobs propping up a consumerism culture you aren't paid enough to be a part of, and starve anyway because everything you earn goes to your landlord.
So far, "regulated financial scams" is winning and I gotta hand it to tech industry on this one for creating jobs so absolutely destructive to human morality that the type of work that was once considered the sole domain of absolute amoral assholes is benign in comparison.
That's, you know. Talk about giving 110% for capitalism. We're miles beyond the destructive capitalist pioneers of the 1980s. -
I voted for "steal from artists and writers" because I'm not a good enough photographer to make a living, so I figure I might as well get paid by a tech company to steal from people who are actually accomplished. That's how it works, right? That's how I become a billionaire?
@[email protected] You also have to swear to uphold the tenents of capitalism and promise that if you DO become a billionaire, you will, under no circumstances, allow it to trickle down to the masses and instead simply participate in shifting large sums of money around between you and other billionaires.
pedestrian cyclistreplied to Asta [AMP] last edited by
@aud Wait, no ad-tech?
Asta [AMP]replied to pedestrian cyclist last edited by
@[email protected] shit, I can't believe I forgot the surveillance industry. But yeah, that's 100% there.