This is a perfect example of the kind of reply that makes mastodon feels very hostile to scientists and especially to anyone working on social topics.
This is a perfect example of the kind of reply that makes mastodon feels very hostile to scientists and especially to anyone working on social topics.
There is literally nothing wrong with celebrating & sharing & discussing a preprint b4 publication, doing so is a normal part of science, and I'm not here to hold your hand and explain to you how you can read a preprint, make up your own mind, check the sources in it, and in other ways be a healthy community member
Tofu Golem (@[email protected])
@grimalkina Preprints are important in that we have a record of the hypothesis to be tested before an experiment is conducted, which helps guard against people changing the hypothesis based on the results (p-hacking). If a preprints leads to a published in a journal, get your conclusions from the published version. If you don't know if it led to a published paper, then what you are looking at is no different from the opinion of some rando on the Internet, because anyone can post those.
Mastodon (
@grimalkina Wow. That's ... that's on a whole other level of hostility.
@gersande daily, DAILY I get this kind of thing
@grimalkina @gersande it's particularly enraging given that peer review doesn't even guarantee the things they say it does, so *all* it is is just hostility
@grimalkina @tofugolem I firmly believe one of the biggest problems with mastodon boils down to the population, including the moderators and owners, of its biggest instance. The number of relatively new people being driven away by old timers on that server surely must outweigh their proportion of the fediverse.
TLDR, I know this is less than the most helpful, but I can recommend a lot of other, smaller, instances that still have connection to the whole. I really really want all people to find a nice space here!
@grimalkina And yet STEM is so much better for women compared to ten years ago!!! (Not.)
@chris most of the reply guy stuff I receive comes from the very same small instances that people then recommend I join.
@gersande right! Like I guess the same peer review that isn't double blinded in software journals (my god), where peer reviewers regularly tell me to please strip out all mention of gender and other participant demographics, and say we cite "too much psychology," THAT peer review is the only thing we're allowed to talk about and share? People hate joy
@grimalkina I would love to see even just 5% of that indignation aimed at all the terrifyingly unrigorous stuff that does happens in medical research and which ends up in horrifying patient outcomes (especially hurting disabled patients, endorsing conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ people, and so many other things), instead of it always aimed at the minorities in STEM just trying to exist.
There are so many places where this kind of scrutiny is deserved.
Your paper is so far from that!!!
This is so frustrating. I'm so angry.
@grimalkina argh. lol. Well that blows my theory out of the water. Sorry.