How can I programatically trigger topic watch for the current user?
I am trying to add a feature to a plugin where user automatically get subscribed (watches topic) when they interact with the post. I looked at the HTML behind the watch button but could not find a clue what happens after this:
<a href="#" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" class="follow" title="[[topic:watch.title]]"><span>[[topic:watch]]</span> <i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a>
I have the user id and the post id, I can also get the topic id. How can I automatically select watch for the current topic so user is informed of changes to that topic?
I also looked at the wiki but could not find a hook for doing this.
On the server side its
. Client side you can do asocket.emit('topics.follow', tid, callback);
after this commit. -
On the server side its
. Client side you can do asocket.emit('topics.follow', tid, callback);
after this commit. thanks for the quick response! I have something like this now:
socket.emit('topics.follow', post_data.tid, function(err, result) { if(err) { console.log('plugin error: ', err); } });
That seems to toggle follow or watch attribute. Is there a way to check to see if user is currently following the topic or a way to only set follow to true instead of toggling the value?
I found this way to work around it:
socket.emit('topics.follow', post_data.tid, function(err, result) { if(err) { console.log('Error: ', err); } else if(!result) { // if result is false, means we unfollow the topic // so we send another request to follow socket.emit('topics.follow', post_data.tid); } });
It may make two useless calls (if user is already following topic) but at least it works as expected.
Yeah my latest commit addresses that, topics.follow on latest will just follow the topic and there is a new function called topic.toggleFollow that does the old functionality.