It was Steve
Damn thing broke
We should unionize
Oh I know, I was just stating the three words I'd say to my boss. If I ask what happened, then I probably just arrived to see the mess at the same time they did, right?
Oh yeah, that makes sense.
Very shortsighted of the company to do that.
Yup. Just like every other place I've ever worked. Can't see past quarterly profit increases until everything inevitably crashes and burns
Monster dot com
Yup. Just like every other place I've ever worked. Can't see past quarterly profit increases until everything inevitably crashes and burns
Where I live at least some of the bigger construction companies do talk about safety a lot and can be fairly strict about it. It's good PR and saves money by having your workers healthy and working and there doesn't need to be work stoppages due to accidents.
Where I live at least some of the bigger construction companies do talk about safety a lot and can be fairly strict about it. It's good PR and saves money by having your workers healthy and working and there doesn't need to be work stoppages due to accidents.
Yeah I miss when not every company was just "qUaRteRlY iNcReAsEs OvEr aLL eLsE" and it wasn't rare for a business to care about safety, quality, the law, etc.
the company I work at has vestiges of safety programs but repeatedly denies my requests for very simple safety controls from not blocking the fire alarm and exits with inventory, to an oxygen monitor in a room full of compressed gas tanks (some of which are hydrogen. fun!)
yeah i gotta get the fuck outta here.
Front fell off
Front fell off
This was genuinely the comment I was waiting for.
I love you.
I love you too, if only for this short moment where our gazes align. Soon we will drift apart, and you will forget me. I can only hope I’ve had an impact on you. Goodbye.
Here's my resignation.
Either it's your fault, it's going to be your fault, or you're cleaning this up. Bottom line: there's a damn-near lethal amount of incompetence in the building and it's time to part ways.
Probably the first thing i would want to hear.
I'd probably crawl under a corner of the pile and them "save" me. Or run.