Should there be a governance organization for the Fediverse?
@evan Yeah, I still don’t get how it specifically applies to the Fediverse. We have the W3C as the governance (or at least standards) body for the protocol. What would a “governance organization” of the Fediverse do?
@drahardja what an interesting question for you to think through!
@evan OK then.
@drahardja cool. It sounds like for you it would depend on what the structure of the organization was, who was involved, and so on? Maybe that's a qualified yes or a qualified no.
@drahardja maybe you think there's more context that I'm not sharing or something? I don't understand your questions.
@drahardja maybe if you can't think of what a governance organization for the Fediverse would be or do, you should answer "strong no".
@evan @drahardja WTF @evan
The poll is moot. There *is* a governance organization.
What is the point of the poll?
@pixel @drahardja which organization are you talking about?
@evan @drahardja The W3C?
Am I missing something?
@pixel @drahardja OK, that's what I thought!
I'll write up an answer after the poll is done.
@evan @drahardja ok.
FYI, I generally love your polls
@pixel @drahardja thanks, I appreciate it! I'm not trying to be cryptic, but I usually like to write up all my thoughts once the poll is done.
Programmer 832-529 🍅replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
@evan The issue with the poll is it doesn't say what sort of governance. You'll probably get a split of answers depending on if people think its governance of the protocols or of the operation.
Evan Prodromoureplied to Programmer 832-529 🍅 last edited by
@smallsees I guess you could read it as "any governance organization" then.
Thanks to everyone who responded here.
I am a qualified no.
I think there are parts of the Fediverse that can benefit from coordination, like how the SocialCG coordinates work on ActivityPub and Activity Streams 2.0, how IFTAS coordinates trust and safety work, and how Fedipact coordinates blocking Threads.