MyBB to NodeBB Importer?
Thanks Nifty for your reply!
My Mybb forum is hosted at 1&1 (A German provider).
I did set up my new Nodebb forum on DigitalOcean since it wasn't possible for me to set up Nodebb on my 1&1 hosting plan.So you're saying that I should install my Mybb forum and database on DigitalOcean for make the import?
@TaLoche i would install a mysql on the new Server, make a backup of the db on your 1&1 host, import it on you're new server and than do the nodebb import. After that you can remove the mysql from you're new server. there is no need to get the whole mybb stuff installed. The node importer is only accessing the mysql database and the upload dirctory of the mybb.
I'm sorry? My existing Nodebb install on DigitalOcean is running on Ubuntu 14.04.
On DigitalOCean I can create another Droplet next to Nodebb on Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Coreos or Centos).
My existing Mybb forum is on a MySQL5 server.I was going to use this set up Mysql on OceanDigital in a new droplet to be able to import my existing Database to tried to import in afterwards in Nodebb.
@TaLoche You could temporarily (S)FTP into the server and upload it into your root folder, you connect via SFTP on port 22 with your usual username and password, then, close that connection once it's uploaded, and in Terminal, do.
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE export; USE export; source <yourfilename>.sql exit
That will give you a database to connect to called export, you could connect to it using, then use root for the username, and the password you set up during apt-get install.
If it can't find the sql file, you may need to write the absolute position of it, so for example, /home/user/ or something like that.
@a_5mith Thanks a lot for your help, it worked like a charm! Imported my whole database with no errors!
@Nifty I went back to importing my Mybb forum in Nodebb and I get this error. Users and category are imported fine but I can't import my topics.
Importing 0 topics.
current phase: topicsImportStart
current phase: usersImportDone
Importing 46/46 users took: 0.94 seconds
Importing 46 users.
current phase: usersImportStart
current phase: categoriesImportDone
Importing 9/9 categories took: 0.21 seconds
Importing 9 categories.
current phase: categoriesImportStart
current phase: resetGlobalsDone
current phase: deleteTmpImportedSetsAndObjectsDone
current phase: deleteTmpImportedSetsAndObjectsStart
current phase: resetGlobalsStart
current phase: purgeUsersDone
current phase: purgeUsersStart
current phase: purgeCategories+Topics+PostsDone
current phase: purgeCategories+Topics+PostsStart