after I using git pull,I can't start my website.
Usually I using git pull to receive the newest code.but yesterday When I using git pull.I can't start my website.Anyone else?
throw new Error('Not running');Error:Not running
at Server.close(net.js:1236:11)
at shutdown(app.js:340:36)
at process.<anonymous> (app.js:177:7)
at process.emit (events.js:95:17)
at process._fatalException(node.js:272:26) -
@song19891121 A number of plugins are out of date in a way that won't let the service start in 0.6.0.
Have you tried resetting plugins?
Can confirm this issue as well running code on the master. Running in dev mode works, but is quite a pain.
./nodebb reset plugins
to reset all plugins then try again.If it still doesn't work provide git revision. You can use
git rev-parse HEAD
to get it.I am not getting this on my dev, although we probably have different plugins installed.
Ah, after some sleep and reviewing your post again, I can confirm that the net.js error message you are seeing is caused by a plugin. If you paste your entire console log here, we'll be able to show you where it is giving the plugin issue.
I'm simply having the issue of my NodeBB will start in dev mode, but will not start in normal mode.