Don’t CW this.
replied to Petrichor ᚄᚔᚅᚐᚁᚆᚃᚒᚔᚂ last edited by
@sinabhfuil @chris Content warning. Recommended to use for sensitive subjects. Recommended to *not* use for witnessing evil that must be exposed.
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
As like as what democrats did to Trump when he wasn't president.KARMA!
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
@chris New Zealand here, same thing. First it showed the same message, now the tag looks entirely scrubbed. Just “No results.”
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
@chris #biden, #kamalaharris are not working either... This is really scary. I am not ready for the 1933 vibes that are coming from the US... Especially not given the technology that we have these days.
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
crazy if real :{ -
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
At first, I didn’t use the hashtag and both party names generated normal results.It was only when I put a hashtag before democrat(s) that I got the sensitive content result (for #Democrat #DemocraticParty and #VoteBlue but not #Democrats ).
The Learn More link lists content that they would deem “upsetting or sensitive”, so I tried some issue tags.
All of these work:
#GazaOne that did not work:
#Abortion -
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
@chris Can verify that # democrat, singular, is giving the same result in Spain, whereas in the plural, it's normal.
replied to kay@foodnpolitics last edited by
I wondered if there was a new setting change with this Sensitive Content Control thing. So I searched how to adjust it: middle option of “See some sensitive content” was selected. I selected “See more sensitive content.”
Still hidden results but now even #Democrats doesn’t work. So much for that.
Looks like clear ratfuckery at work.
replied to JimmyB (he/him) last edited by
@JimmyB @MatWright @chris Israeli here. Most people don't know of this yet. Wait four hours till the 17 o'clock news. It's likely social media won't propagate posts about this due to obvious reasons.
There'll be two answers. One, "Elon isn't Trump". Two, rage.
And "Zionism is incompatible with Judaism"? Dude, please read some literature. Kahanism, "messiah mode" (book and video), Israeli definitions of Zionism (hint: there are at least 20, Zionism is just a general "good word": everyone tries to claim they are the patriots, not those other, evil monsters)
replied to Laxystem last edited by
"Dude, please read some literature"
Thanks 'dude'. I've read quite a bit.
But yes - there are forms of Zionism - not all of which involve massacring Palestinians. However, as understood and propagated in our media and by the Israeli Gov and her supporters, there is one form. And that currently-dominant form does involve massacring Palestinians. A lot of Israeli writing since the Nakba - including liberal authors - have maintained that Zionist dehumanisation.
replied to JimmyB (he/him) last edited by
Great then.
The ideology of the current Israeli government is Kahanism. Speaking of "Zionism" is incredibly unspecific, and encompasses almost the entirety of Israel's political compass: it's used the same way as patriotism. And therefore, you can't really say it's "incompatible with Judaism". It's like I'd go around saying how American patriotism ruins the world. Let's not.
And: Kahanism, which I assume is what you meant, is indeed contradictory to everything Judaism is about. But there are lots of ideologies that call themselves Zionism as well, and aren't.
The only interests calling Kahanism Zionism serves is Kahanists': that way, they can oppress their opposition by calling them "anti Zionist"—think "anti patriotic", the implication is clear: "traitor".
replied to Laxystem last edited by
Well - I'm not Jewish, but Jewish mates talk about Zionism in this way.
And I was inspired to learn more listening, some years ago, to a member of the Biritish Board of Jewish Deputies on the BBC Today programme who said that you cannot be a Jew and not be a Zionist. And he explained what it meant. It meant what I mean when I use the word Zionist.
So - take youer point. But no one knows what Kahanism is. But we all know what 'Zionism' is - as used.
replied to JimmyB (he/him) last edited by
And I was inspired to learn more listening, some years ago, to a member of the Biritish Board of Jewish Deputies on the BBC Today programme who said that you cannot be a Jew and not be a Zionist. And he explained what it meant. It meant what I mean when I use the word Zionist.
They were either Kahanist or Bibistic themselves. Plus, I wouldn't call the BBC a reliable source on Israel Palestine: they can't seem to decide whose side's war crimes they want to lie about.
But no one knows what Kahanism is
People Google it, or ask, or just assume your intention from context (as it's incredibly clear; you don't necessarily need to know the history of the term, though should). That's the word I use, always. And if they don't know: introduce it. It's important to know what terms the other side wants you to use (Zionism) to refer to them, and why.
replied to Laxystem last edited by [email protected]
@JimmyB @MatWright @chris The fediverse doesn't only consist of the English-speaking world; There are lots of other cultures here, and this meaning of Zionism is pretty unique to Kahanists and American media consumers (which is everyone, yes, but native English speakers especially).
replied to Martin Vermeer FCD last edited by
@martinvermeer @sinabhfuil @chris okay, but.... why? the things we knew for years would happen, happened. I knew this yesterday, i knew this the day before. Why does it have to be in my timeline without a CW when all i want is not looking at idiots finding out that when people say "fuck around and find out" they really mean fuck around and find out.
This is just again the same debate as with war reports. Yes i know some people throw explosives at children. Yes i know how a person that explodes into splatter looks like. Put a fucking CW on it, I don't wanna see it again and again all over just because you after years of hearing about it decided to test if a hot stove really burns your fingers and recording the experiment.
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
@chris While I was not able to replicate that screen exactly (I refuse to put that mobile app on my phone) I did try this in the Web App on my phone and on the Desktop.
Certainly seems sus'
#republican #democrat #instagram #censorship #zuckerberg #zuck
replied to Laxystem last edited by
I am pretty confident that this meaning is understood across W Europe and the UK too. I live and work in Zurich: the Swiss talk about Zionism in these terms; as do the French and Germans. If someone says 'Zionist' it seems they will be understood to mean Bibi politics.
But it seems a fair point: how about Khalanist-Zionism? Seems to differentiate - while being comprehensible?
replied to Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 last edited by
@chris First, "dont CW this I beg you" is a lack of skills.
I would recommend
"Instagram enabling facism, uspol" or something which summarizes the heart of your point, captures the eye, and then lets people choose to read details.Show some empathy for people trying to function without a constant flood of this (plus, they'll be less likely to unfollow you and can actually see stuff you post)
Second I don't know what's up in Canada but this is what I see in the US, now
replied to Paul Chambers last edited by
So, yeah. I tried it on a browser. Lots of hashtag republican content, nothing for hashtag democrat. If you search without the hashtag on "democrat" you get content, but most of it is from Newsmax (which is to the right of Fox News) talking about how corrupt the democrats are.
So there seem to be legitimacy to this.
replied to JimmyB (he/him) last edited by
@JimmyB @MatWright @chris *Kahanist, not Khalanist. I'm pretty sure there's no movement aiming to genocide all forms of bread but Khalas from the face of the earth.
But yes, that'd work.