I have a very long, possibly book-length take on LLMs that has been brewing since May 2015 but basically: wow humans love to take something that works extremely well in a certain narrow domain and then bend over backwards to insist it will solve every ...
replied to MrCopilot last edited by
@mrcopilot @blaine @darius because that's how I started making apps.
replied to Rigo Wenning last edited by
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
replied to Darius Kazemi last edited by
@darius @rigo @blaine many of the AI people I meet are as passionate about open source, open science and open standards as the neckbeardiest or catearsiest Fediverse hardcores. Most of them think their work is too important to be hoarded by anyone. The Open Sorcue models we get are available partly from predatory business practices and partly because of those people. It's weird that We don't recognize and connect with them more.
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
replied to Darius Kazemi last edited by
replied to Evan Prodromou last edited by
replied to Darius Kazemi last edited by
replied to Julien Deswaef last edited by
@julien @blaine @evan to me this is why that industry needs regular dramatic new reveals of heretofore unseen magic.
If I point out that a "mature" tech like GPT-3 never yielded enormous societal good, the response is "well that tech could do way less than the new tech" and "people dropped that tech in favor of new tech so of course there's nothing world changing that came from it." And they'd be technically correct. Just keep the goalposts constantly moving, the future is always tomorrow