I don't know if I'm weird or if it's just normal to get random reverse engineering urges.
It seems the way the function works that it's passed a buffer as DS, then it loads the file starting from address 0, and writes that into 0x2CEF and up That's 11k into the buffer, so well above any real file.
okay I'm following through the decompress loading A3.ARE. I can see in the data segment we've got the data in the file, but up at 2CEF? all zeros. now if I wait for this function to return, that should get filled out
NOPE I'm completely wrong. They've got ES and DS pointing at different segments.
2CEF is the start (I guess?) of the output buffer, in a different segment -
Foone🏳️⚧️replied to Foone🏳️⚧️ last edited by [email protected]
there's some values over 0x80 in the decompressed out so I think I'm misunderstanding the decompression
I wonder of those 6-byte chunks are objects? like, x-pos, y-pos, z-pos, look up object ID in the CMP file?
the game hangs if you try to copy the wrong .ARE file into the place, so I suspect there's some internal location references or something that break
so when the game launches it asks me what video mode I want (Hercules, CGA, Tandy/Amstrad, or VGA) and then asks me to insert the data disk. This is not fun, since I always give it the same answers. So let's fix that
the what video mode do you want? string starts at 1000:6648 and it's referenced from... nowhere. or so ghidra thinks.
so lets instead search the whole program for the scalar 6648 and OH LOOK IT'S REFERENCED AFTER ALL
ghidra: I know decompilers that understand segments and they're all cowards
okay so video mode hercules is actually CGA but with a flag set.
it stores the video mode selected (1-3) in 1000:912d, then stores the video mode TIMES TWO in 1000:912e and 1000:6646 -
why bother using the DOS api for changing interrupt handlers, when you can just address segment zero? WHY NOT INDEED, ECHELON?
at least they remembered to call CLI first
I think they're dynamically loading code and stuffing it into the tick handler
the best place to stick dynamically loaded code: INSIDE AN INTERRUPT HANDLER
I need to turn my patching shit form Super Solvers Gizmos & Gadgets into a generic thing I can use on any game. That'd be sweet
anyway for now I can just skip the disk swap check by patching out CALL DiskSwapCheck, since it has no side-effects.
The video mode check unfortunately does, so I gotta leave it in but hack it to think I said "VGA" -
patch 0xDF0A with 90 90 90 to skip disk check
patch 0xE2BF with C6 C0 33 90 90 90 to skip video check. 33=VGA, 32=Tandy/Amstrad, 31=CGA, 68=Hercules -
I think this was written with a macro assembler by someone who loved macros.
Like there's a lot of times where the code would be like
LEA EAX, SomeString
CALL PRINTFin a saner world, but instead there's a loop that uses global memory addresses and calls the BIOS TELETYPE OUTPUT call letter by letter. and that loop appears in every function that needs to do printf()