in case you needed a reason to volunteer at your local public library: today the librarians let me pick a theme for and then curate one of the featured displays.
Molly Whitereplied to Molly White last edited by [email protected]
btw if you thought this was a list of only 20 or so books, i failed to mention that almost every one is the first in a series. you’ve got 100+ books here
@guyjantic strong pitch
@GrumpusNation haven’t read it yet but the blurb sounds incredible
I suspect "The Interdependency" and Delany's "Nova" have nothing to do with each other. Two entries might have been conflated into one?
@glitzersachen oop, fixed
@molly0xfff I particularly respect inclusion of "alt text cont'd."
@deFractal @molly0xfff what is this secret meaning
@chaosresearchparty “alt text continued”. the image is just a placeholder to make space for alt text from the first image that was too long to fit in the character limit
@molly0xfff i enjoyed the Algebraist. Wish you enjoy it too
@molly0xfff Unfortunately, The Algebraist is not available in the states due to some publisher issue
@dprice hmm? i had no problem getting a copy
@molly0xfff Weird. The Amazon web site said it was unavailable but I was able to buy it on my Kindle after downloading a sample ️
@dprice strange!
Could these bright white images just be text?
I can't read the small black on white text on my narrow screen. Even the bright white hurts my eyes just scrolling through my feed. I would prefer to use my own text theme.
Since you are nicely doing alt text anyway the images are really redundant.
@sab38 the link to the original post is upthread and my site has dark mode