What's on your wishlist for bike/safe streets improvements in the Mission, Bernal Heights, and Portola, especially things that could be done relatively quickly?
What's on your wishlist for bike/safe streets improvements in the Mission, Bernal Heights, and Portola, especially things that could be done relatively quickly?
17th St protected bike lane is at the top of the list, obvs. What else?
@scott more east/west connections in the Mission. It’s so easy to get downtown, but so sketchy if you want to go from Valencia to Portrero. 17th is okay, but it’s a big gap between Cesar Chavez and 17th… and Cesar Chavez really isn’t even that fun/safe to ride on most of the time, which leaves 17th as the only good east/west corridor for the entire neighborhood.
Jef Poskanzer :batman:replied to Doctor Popular last edited by
@docpop you are much more forgiving of the 17th door zone bike lane than I (hence my putting a 17th PBL as the top project)
What would 20th, 22nd, etc. need changed to be a good corridor?
@scott make 19th and 22nd one way traffic for vehicles and replace the previous car lane with a protected set of bike lanes.