There was a kid who looked to be about 7 on my flight with a book called "Warhammer 40,000 Codex: T'Au Empire"...
There was a kid who looked to be about 7 on my flight with a book called "Warhammer 40,000 Codex: T'Au Empire"...
Is big 40k trying to hook them young now?
(I know very little about 40k)
Graham Sutherland / Polynomialreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc it's gotten really popular with the young'uns again, especially off the back of D&D's resurgence. the new WH video game being such a huge hit hyped a ton of folks up for trying the physical stuff, and there's a ton of 40k stuff at events like PAX these days.
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Graham Sutherland / Polynomial last edited by
@gsuberland is my perception that the lore is not even a little bit appropriate for young children accurate?
Graham Sutherland / Polynomialreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc lol yeah it is laden with stuff about war atrocities, xenophobia, genocide, fascism, religious extremism, etc. so I'm not sure it's super age appropriate for a 7 year old. there is more age appropriate stuff that treats it more like a strategy game with factions that just fight because that's how the game works (similar to D&D) but the detailed lore is pretty heavy stuff.
wrwreplied to Graham Sutherland / Polynomial last edited by
I'm just impressed by a 7 year old reading at that level
@wrw @gsuberland @ryanc The reading level isn't surprising. Contextualizing might be difficult though.
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to jbaggs last edited by
@jbaggs @wrw @gsuberland idk it looks like it probably had a lot of pictures, but that makes me more concerned