Why isn’t Richard Feynman your personal hero?
Why isn’t Richard Feynman your personal hero?
Feynman made enormous contributions to a huge variety of areas in physics, and was beloved by oh so many.
But he isn't someone we should strive to be like. Here's why.
Ask Ethan: Why isn't Richard Feynman your personal hero?
One of the 20th century's most famous, influential, and successful physicists is lauded the world over. But Feynman is no hero to me.
Big Think (bigthink.com)
When I encounter people who try to venerate Richard Feynman; I direct them to his FBI file, which includes a copy of the divorce decree Mary Louise Bell obtained from Feynman on the grounds of "extreme cruelty" after he attacked and choked her.
Dr. Victoria Grinbergreplied to Michael Busch last edited by
@michael_w_busch @startswithabang ufff, I did not know about that one...
Michael Buschreplied to Dr. Victoria Grinberg last edited by
@vicgrinberg @startswithabang Feynman's 1958 FBI file was made public in 2012; but the divorce decree was also published in the Los Angeles Times in 1956: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/richard-feynman-physicist-fbi_n_1600110 .
Disturbingly, both the FBI agent who prepared the 1958 file and the 1956 newspaper article led with descriptions of Feynman's hobby of drum-playing rather than with the domestic violence.