upgrade from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
root@install:~# cd /home/nodebb
-bash: cd: /home/nodebb: No such file or directory
root@install:~# cd home
root@install:~/home# cd nodebb
root@install:~/home/nodebb# ./nodebb stop
Stopping NodeBB. Goodbye!
root@install:~/home/nodebb# git pull
remote: Counting objects: 2479, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1181/1181), done.
remote: Total 2479 (delta 1524), reused 1951 (delta 1267)
Receiving objects: 100% (2479/2479), 961.29 KiB | 447 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1524/1524), done.
From https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB- b85261e...7c14e6f v0.5.x -> origin/v0.5.x (forced update)
- [new branch] ACP2 -> origin/ACP2
aa116e6..e6824fd master -> origin/master - [new tag] v0.5.1 -> v0.5.1
Auto-merging tests/mocks/databasemock.js
Removing public/vendor/tabIndent/tabIndent.js
Removing public/vendor/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
Removing public/vendor/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
Removing public/vendor/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
Removing public/vendor/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
Removing public/src/templates.js
Auto-merging public/src/forum/admin/manage/users.js
Auto-merging public/src/forum/admin/manage/groups.js
Auto-merging public/src/forum/admin/manage/categories.js
Removing public/src/forum/admin/languages.js
Removing public/src/forum/admin/index.js
Auto-merging public/src/forum/admin/general/sounds.js
Auto-merging public/src/forum/admin/extend/widgets.js
Auto-merging public/src/forum/admin/extend/plugins.js
Auto-merging npm-shrinkwrap.json
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in npm-shrinkwrap.json
Removing NOTES.md
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
root@install:~/home/nodebb# ./nodebb upgrade
npm ERR! install Couldn't read dependencies
npm ERR! Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64
npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! node v0.10.29
npm ERR! npm v2.0.0
npm ERR! Unexpected token <
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! http://github.com/npm/npm/issuesnpm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /root/home/nodebb/npm-debug.log
npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field.
npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field.
npm WARN package.json [email protected] No repository field.
npm ERR! Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64
npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "i" "nodebb-theme-vanilla" "nodebb-theme-lavender" "nodebb-widget-essentials"
npm ERR! node v0.10.29
npm ERR! npm v2.0.0
npm ERR! code EPEERINVALIDnpm ERR! peerinvalid The package nodebb-theme-vanilla does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements!
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [email protected] wants nodebb-theme-vanilla@~0.1.0
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [email protected] wants nodebb-theme-vanilla@~0.0.111npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /root/home/nodebb/npm-debug.log
info: NodeBB v0.5.1 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 NodeBB Inc.
info: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
info: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Warning: Redis server does not require a password, but a password was supplied.
info: Beginning database schema update
info: [2014/2/19] Updating MOTD to use the HTML widget - skipped
info: [2014/2/20] Adding Recent Replies, Active Users, and Moderator widgets to category sidebar - skipped
info: [2014/2/20] Adding Forum Stats Widget to the Homepage Footer - skipped
info: [2014/2/20] Updating Lavender MOTD - skipped
info: [2014/2/20] Activating NodeBB Essential Widgets - skipped
info: [2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped
info: [2014/3/18] Migrating Markdown settings to new configuration - skipped
info: [2014/3/21] Removing gids and pruning groups - skipped
info: [2014/3/31] Re-adding copyright message into global footer widget - skipped
info: [2014/4/1] Moved home sidebar widgets into draft zone - skipped
info: [2014/4/2] Moved deprecated vanilla footer widgets into draft zone - skipped
info: [2014/5/13] Updating privilege settings - skipped
info: [2014/5/16] Removing allowGuestPosting option - skipped
info: [2014/5/16] Tags upgrade - skipped
info: [2014/6/6] Topic upgrade - skipped
info: [2014/6/17] Category post count upgrade - skipped
info: [2014/7/23] Upgrading db dependencies - skipped
info: [2014/7/24] Upgrading chats to sorted set - skipped
info: [2014/9/8] Deleting old notifications...
info: [2014/9/8] Deleted old notifications
info: [2014/9/27] Deleting tid:<tid>:read_by_uid...
info: [2014/9/27] Deleted tid:<tid>:read_by_uid
info: [upgrade] Schema already up to date!NodeBB Dependencies up-to-date!
root@install:~/home/nodebb# ./nodebb start
Starting NodeBB
"./nodebb stop" to stop the NodeBB server
"./nodebb log" to view server outputmodule.js:340
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'logrotate-stream'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
at require (module.js:380:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (/root/home/nodebb/loader.js:8:14)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10) -
@meetdilip said:
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer [email protected] wants nodebb-theme-vanilla@~0.0.111
Looks like the author of the "flip" theme needs to be contacted...
Auto-merging npm-shrinkwrap.json
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in npm-shrinkwrap.json
Removing NOTES.md
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.I removed all themes, but again I get above error with
git pull origin v0.5.x
Here's an article on github's help pages that might help you.
@mootzville said:
Here's an article on github's help pages that might help you.
Care give the command to be used. I am not very good at this.
@meetdilip said:
Care give the command to be used. I am not very good at this.
git stash
should be fine.
I'm assuming you're wanting to go to master branch?
If so,
git checkout master
(If you want stable (recommended) thengit checkout v0.5.x
git pull
./nodebb upgrade
npm up
./nodebb restart
If you get any errors about plugins wanting certain versions of vanilla or lavender, then disable or uninstall them, then run upgrade/npm up again..
FWIW, there's no 0.5.1 branch, it's either 0.5.x or master, master includes the changes that were in 0.5.1, with some other nuances that may cause instability.
@meetdilip said:
No luck. Stuck here
Auto-merging npm-shrinkwrap.json
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in npm-shrinkwrap.jsonI see this when trying to upgrade BitBangers, I dont know enough about git to bypass it myself.
This is stopping me from upgrading too. -
@meetdilip What's your output of
git status
?EDIT: I'm guessing what has happened is maybe you manually modified some file(s) in your folder -- which is a git folder.
git pull
does several things. I'm not an expert, but among them it doesgit fetch
&git merge
and I'm not sure what else. Anyway, since you modified some files and it's trying to merge it can't because the file(s) are different. So, first you have to do agit status
to see what's going on. Then, from the looks of the output you've already shown you'll have to do something with the npm-shrinkwrap.json file.You can also try
git diff
which might give you some more info about what's different since you've already tried togit pull
Basically, git doesn't want to merge because it doesn't know which file(s) you want to keep...the one getting pulled in or the one you've modified. It could be something as simple as an extra space somewhere, or even just a different timestamp (I think) on the file.
Disclaimer: As I've already stated, I'm not an expert with git -- still learning it myself -- so this may not be exact.
Thanks @mootzville . Only changes I made are installing a few themes and plugins. I have not made any manual edit to any of the files as far as I can remember.
git status result
new file: public/less/mixins.less
modified: public/src/ajaxify.js
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renamed: public/src/forum/admin/themes.js -> public/src/forum/admin/extend/widgets.js
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renamed: public/src/forum/admin/groups.js -> public/src/forum/admin/manage/groups.js
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renamed: public/src/forum/admin/users.js -> public/src/forum/admin/manage/users.js
modified: public/src/forum/admin/settings.js
modified: public/src/forum/category.js
modified: public/src/forum/chats.js
modified: public/src/forum/footer.js
modified: public/src/forum/home.js
modified: public/src/forum/infinitescroll.js
modified: public/src/forum/login.js
modified: public/src/forum/popular.js
modified: public/src/forum/recent.js
modified: public/src/forum/search.js
modified: public/src/forum/tags.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic/browsing.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic/events.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic/fork.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic/move.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic/postTools.js
modified: public/src/forum/topic/threadTools.js
modified: public/src/forum/unread.js
modified: public/src/forum/users.js
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modified: public/src/modules/alerts.js
modified: public/src/modules/chat.js
modified: public/src/modules/composer.js
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modified: public/src/modules/composer/tags.js
modified: public/src/modules/composer/uploads.js
modified: public/src/modules/navigator.js
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modified: public/src/modules/sounds.js
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modified: public/src/modules/uploader.js
deleted: public/src/templates.js
modified: public/src/translator.js
modified: public/src/utils.js
modified: public/src/widgets.js
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deleted: public/vendor/tabIndent/tabIndent.js
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modified: src/categories/delete.js
modified: src/categories/recentreplies.js
modified: src/controllers/accounts.js
modified: src/controllers/admin.js
modified: src/controllers/admin/users.js
modified: src/controllers/api.js
modified: src/controllers/categories.js
modified: src/controllers/groups.js
modified: src/controllers/index.js
modified: src/controllers/tags.js
modified: src/controllers/topics.js
modified: src/controllers/users.js
modified: src/database/level/hash.js
modified: src/database/level/list.js
modified: src/database/level/main.js
modified: src/database/level/sets.js
modified: src/database/level/sorted.js
modified: src/database/mongo.js
modified: src/database/mongo/hash.js
modified: src/database/mongo/helpers.js
modified: src/database/mongo/list.js
modified: src/database/mongo/main.js
modified: src/database/mongo/sets.js
modified: src/database/mongo/sorted.js
modified: src/database/redis.js
modified: src/database/redis/hash.js
modified: src/database/redis/main.js
modified: src/database/redis/sets.js
modified: src/database/redis/sorted.js
modified: src/emailer.js
modified: src/events.js
modified: src/favourites.js
modified: src/groups.js
new file: src/hotswap.js
modified: src/install.js
modified: src/messaging.js
modified: src/meta.js
modified: src/meta/configs.js
modified: src/meta/css.js
modified: src/meta/js.js
modified: src/meta/sounds.js
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modified: src/meta/title.js
modified: src/middleware/admin.js
modified: src/middleware/index.js
modified: src/middleware/middleware.js
modified: src/notifications.js
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modified: src/plugins.js
modified: src/postTools.js
modified: src/posts.js
modified: src/posts/delete.js
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modified: src/privileges/categories.js
modified: src/privileges/helpers.js
modified: src/privileges/posts.js
modified: src/privileges/topics.js
modified: src/routes/admin.js
modified: src/routes/api.js
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modified: src/routes/debug.js
modified: src/routes/index.js
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modified: src/socket.io/admin/user.js
modified: src/socket.io/categories.js
modified: src/socket.io/index.js
modified: src/socket.io/meta.js
modified: src/socket.io/modules.js
modified: src/socket.io/posts.js
modified: src/socket.io/topics.js
modified: src/socket.io/user.js
modified: src/threadTools.js
modified: src/topics.js
modified: src/topics/create.js
modified: src/topics/delete.js
modified: src/topics/follow.js
modified: src/topics/fork.js
modified: src/topics/popular.js
modified: src/topics/posts.js
modified: src/topics/recent.js
modified: src/topics/tags.js
modified: src/topics/unread.js
modified: src/upgrade.js
modified: src/user.js
modified: src/user/auth.js
modified: src/user/create.js
modified: src/user/delete.js
modified: src/user/email.js
modified: src/user/jobs.js
modified: src/user/notifications.js
modified: src/user/profile.js
modified: src/user/reset.js
modified: src/user/settings.js
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new file: src/views/admin/extend/widgets.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/footer.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/general/dashboard.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/general/languages.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/general/sounds.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/header.tpl
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new file: src/views/admin/manage/groups.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/manage/tags.tpl
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new file: src/views/admin/partials/categories/groups.tpl
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new file: src/views/admin/partials/categories/setParent.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/partials/categories/users.tpl
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new file: src/views/admin/settings/advanced.tpl
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new file: src/views/admin/settings/footer.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/general.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/header.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/notifications.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/pagination.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/post.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/reputation.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/sockets.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/tags.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/user.tpl
new file: src/views/admin/settings/web-crawler.tpl
new file: src/views/config.json
new file: src/views/emails/dailydigest.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/dailydigest_plaintext.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/notif_chat.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/notif_chat_plaintext.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/reset.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/reset_plaintext.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/test.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/test_plaintext.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/welcome.tpl
new file: src/views/emails/welcome_plaintext.tpl
new file: src/views/maintenance.tpl
modified: src/webserver.js
modified: src/widgets.js
modified: tests/categories.js
modified: tests/database.js
modified: tests/groups.js
renamed: mocks/databasemock.js -> tests/mocks/databasemock.js
modified: tests/topics.js
modified: tests/user.js
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
both added: npm-shrinkwrap.json
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
Restored using snapshotp and git status gave
root@install:~/home/nodebb# git status
On branch v0.5.x
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
root@install:~/home/nodebb# -
@meetdilip said:
Restored using snapshotp and git status gave [...]
That just means that the
isn't being tracked by git (it isn't under source control). Most likely that file was added by some NodeBB plugin.You can either add it to the git repo using
git add pulic/google-adsense.config.json
and thengit commit -am "added adsense config file"
andgit push
to update the remote repository, or ignore that message.