I cannot believe this completely unsupported fan-made utility from 1997 is failing to work on modern windows
@beka_valentine oooh, lovely!
the game is invisible to OBS in window capture mode?!
@curtosis nice!
wait I have DPI awareness set. why is this window still 800x600?
oh, I accidentally set it to both enable resizing and to have a default size of 800x600.
I also made it disappear by setting the height to -7480!
which didn't work
I rebooted to fix the graphical glitches (it was affecting other programs!), and as soon as I re-launched SoulTrap it fucked my colors again
that's deeply weird
oh god I don't think this color thing is a bug. I think this is INTENDED BEHAVIOR
I think they're programmatically changing the windows theme, and then restoring your old theme at the end
so when you crash it, the windows theme corrupts
I'm not even sure how that interacts with the PALETTED NATURE OF THE WINDOW.
I bet that's why the colors are so bad: Windows no longer supports paletted system colors properly -
time to patch these out of the binary!
I can't tell if my fix worked because my theme is still fucked.
and I'm on windows 10, where they remove the options to change the colors.Now, you still CAN change the colors, they just deleted the GUI
@foone me getting up in the morning and thinking about my gender
I'm using this shareware to reset it:
https://www.wintools.info/index.php/classic-color-panelI bet if I just wrote some code to call SetSysColors myself it'd work.
ok I patched 2 of the 3 the three calls to SetSysColors, now it doesn't corrupt my whole system's palette when I launch it
gonna patch the 3rd just in case.
thanks to a typo when saving my notes, the official name of this "SoulTrap but make it work properly on modern windows" project is SoupTrap