I cannot believe this completely unsupported fan-made utility from 1997 is failing to work on modern windows
@wollman awesome!
@foone bless you foone you're a delight
The demo app is a shooty game. Nope, not useful. The files are all .RWX, not the .RWB SoulTrap uses
some pixels there may not be entirely accurate. I'm doing RDP into a win10 machine running a win95 VM running this RenderWare game. There's multiple layers of compression and inaccurate emulation going on, the screen seems to be melting at points
right now I can't really do dynamic analysis of the game, I tried once: if you hit a breakpoint, it completely locks you out of your computer. you have to windows->tab and kill it from there, because it will fuck up your GUI so hard you can't even use task manager
so I gotta hack it to Not Fucking Do That, but I haven't figured out how yet.
I could use something like DxWnd to play it casually, but I'm trying to debug it, here. I can't really debug it with dxwnd, without this causing even further problems. maybe. I should try, actually
so running it in DxWnd, it does work with no settings tweaked, which is more than I can say when I run it natively (it crashes with a texture error there)
it has a somewhat nauseating effect (that I'll have to GIF) of the 3D graphics only appearing every other frame. That might be fine at 60fps (especially on a CRT), but this is very much NOT 60fps and I'm on a fast LCD
the funniest part is that I can't test any different graphical settings... because the "OK" button is missing from the options menu.
okay so this is how the options menu looks natively, right?
That misplaced metal thing in the bottom right is the controls/OK/Cancel controls.
Presumably that thing is even more misplaced when I run this with default DxWnd options, so I am completely without an OK button...EXCEPT this is my third attempt at a screenshot.
the first time I tried, the "you took a screenshot!" popup triggered so fast that windows was already switching out of 640x480x256 to my desktop resolution when the screenshot happened. Meaning I got a nice screenshot of windows explorer.
so I went back and took a full screenshot which was fine, EXCEPT I got this:
now the OK button is gone!
if you compare the screenshots, every single GUI element just jumped to the right when I tabbed back in! -
the weird part (THE SINGULAR WEIRD PART? REALLY?) is that the game's palette corrupted when I took this screenshot, of dxwnd.
Why the fuck did it corrupt the palette? DirectX corrupts the palette sometimes when you change SCREEN RESOLUTION. It currently is running in a window, the screen resolution didn't do squat when I hit func-alt-printscreen.
here's what it looks like in DxWnd! it's even stranger, because it's got no OK button in a completely different way: it's just not there!
so I noticed when I screenshat it that this is very much not 640x480. It's getting DPI scaled. I wonder how much that's fucking it up? Probably at least a little! let's turn that off and see.
DPI scaled 256 color games. That's a world that never existed and never should
Setting DPI awareness in DxWnd fixed that up.
So that's definitely an easily fixable problem: we just need to add a manifest to the EXE.This also fixed the font rendering in the inventory panel format bit, it was rendering as blue before.
alt-func-printscreen still gets nothing but blueness and the palette corrupts.
ok, clicking "High Detail" (which changes it to "Low Detail", which is... NOT HOW CHECKBOXES WORK) makes the game render without strobe-effect. Changing resolution doesn't do anything. very odd!