It’s a disappointing irony that — in the “Information Age” — most consumption of professionally made & distributed music provides less access to rich information about the music than we used to have with album liner notes.
It’s a disappointing irony that — in the “Information Age” — most consumption of professionally made & distributed music provides less access to rich information about the music than we used to have with album liner notes.
Paul McAleer (@[email protected])
I need and want a music website/app that combines bits of Microsoft Music Central, Wikipedia, reviews and expertise, and streaming services to really let me dig into the story, legacy, and conversation that is music. I don’t think there’s anything that does this. Spent time with the excellent Callsheet for iOS, and want that for music.
Mastodon (
@andrewhinton @paulmcaleer That’s literally Roon.
@octothorpe @andrewhinton Roon looks very very close!
@paulmcaleer @andrewhinton It’s not social, but it does some really great stuff with genre and artist exploration. If you have albums with known names/artists, links will be active in the descriptions. I’d love discogs integration, but that won’t happen (sadly). Also their ‘Radio’ (continue to play songs/artists like the one that just ended) algo is pretty great. I’m usually very skeptical with those things, but I actually use it!