I wrote an open letter to artists and other creatives who are thinking about giving the fediverse a chance:
I do want to say that I don't think we necessarily have to make the fediverse "grow bigger", but I do want to see it become more diverse, and welcoming.
Happy to trade some of the racists and mansplainers for a few folks who are into pottery and knitting and keep the numbers the same for example.
Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UKreplied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@stefan I see far more diverse art on here compared to any other social network I have ever used (which tend to use the algorithms to pigeonhole you into what they think your tastes are and how they relate to whatever categories advertisers want)
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK last edited by
@vfrmedia That's good! And we have to, collectively, put in the effort to keep it that way!
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:replied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@stefan your chances of finding them here is still bigger than on X, Bluesky, Threads, IMHO.
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange: last edited by
@jwildeboer Fair enough!
[email protected]replied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
There’s a huge popup on this page that says adblock not detected and that I should install one to be safe.
Which is ironic because I’m obviously running Firefox with uBO, and they probably blocked your attempt at detect an adblocker. But if what you want to do is detect that the user is not running an adblocker, you should be testing for the positive, not the negative: your popup should only load if the code was able to do the most obnoxious, advertising-like tasks without obstruction.
Stefan Bohacekreplied to [email protected] last edited by [email protected]
@lambalicious Right, yes, that is how, in part, this works. If you look at the source code, the "ad" uses a bunch of classes that a typical ad-blocker would pick up on.
Also, the "popup" shouldn't take up much of the screen, just a bit of the space at the bottom. I will have to look into all this, thank you for reporting the issues!
Love seeing this page circulating and folks adding their signature, and overall receiving positive feedback!
I hope it helps convince even just one person to give the fediverse a try. (Let me know if someone you know joins after reading this!)
And I encourage others to write about their own experience with the fediverse and share that with others!
Also, apologies to folks whose fediverse platform is not yet supported! I promise I am looking into this
@stefan I'm not an artist, so I won't be signing the letter.
But just to support your point:
In all the years I was on Twitter, I bought things from artists twice.
In the not-quite two years I've been on Mastodon, I've bought things from eleven different artists (and one musician). .
@jeridansky Wonderful, thank you for supporting the artist community!