Who is using NodeBB?
Let's keep a list of NodeBB installations here :
If you are running your own NodeBB let us know we will add it to the list!
Let's keep a list of NodeBB installations here :
If you are running your own NodeBB let us know we will add it to the list!
Let's keep a list of NodeBB installations here :
If you are running your own NodeBB let us know we will add it to the list!
@baris BackSlash Linux has finally migrated to NodeBB. Here the URL: https://forums.backslashlinux.com
Our open source community switched to node bb a few days ago, if you want to list it:
https://forum.faforever.com/ -
My Q/A forum for python programming language
https://pythonforum.ir -
Let's keep a list of NodeBB installations here :
If you are running your own NodeBB let us know we will add it to the list!
@baris hello Baris, can you please add my forum to this list?
It´s Decentrade. It´s a place where people can buy and sell commodities using cryptocurrency.
Thanks for helping me with the problems that I encountered. I hope I can contribute to Nodebb; it can be pushing fixes to the core or creating plugins. I love this project and it´s people.
I'd like to add www.schoenen-dunk.de
That's a German basketball community which is running for almost 18 years by now. We thought about moving form our own software to NodeBB for quite a few years and were more or less forced to do so end of last year. -
I've decided to switch my technology and security community to NodeBB. Absolutely love the blazing speed and maturity of this project. It's early stages, and some heavy customisation, but it's up at https://phenomlab.com
I'm an infrastructure and security expert by trade, so this feels like home.
I've decided to switch my technology and security community to NodeBB. Absolutely love the blazing speed and maturity of this project. It's early stages, and some heavy customisation, but it's up at https://phenomlab.com
I'm an infrastructure and security expert by trade, so this feels like home.
@phenomlab Nice design! keep it up.
@phenomlab Went with Light at the start but Dark looks better. BTW noticed
(The white background behind topic-list-header looks odd)
@phenomlab How did you get custom Icons on your NodeBB? (As in not Font-Awesome)
Is there an easy way? I've wanted to have custom icons for a while!PS: i have the same plugin for dark mode
@dunlix I'm using FA Pro, but you could use any icon set. It's just a case of including the library and CSS (say for example, IcoMoon) then using the :before CSS class to set the value. I've not actually tried with IcoMoon, but there's no reason at all as to why this won't work.
@dunlix I'm using FA Pro, but you could use any icon set. It's just a case of including the library and CSS (say for example, IcoMoon) then using the :before CSS class to set the value. I've not actually tried with IcoMoon, but there's no reason at all as to why this won't work.
@fais3000 Yeah, thanks. I'm going to force dark I think. The light mode isn't finished as I've focused mostly on the dark theme.