Advertisement and ads on Nodebb
I was able to create my first installation of NodeBB yesterday!
So now I am playing with the whole thing and I was searching the forum and could not find anything later than 2016 about ads.
(probably not searching the right words).So I have 2 questions.
Is there any plugin to manage ads (I found adsense) or is this something people manage with html (or javascript) widgets and header javascript codes manually.
If that is the case:
Where can I learn more about the widgets and the possibles locations for them, for example, can we insert them in the middle of a conversation?Thanks!
Thank you.
yeah, I found that plugin, but not many information about widgets and placements.Any links to the documentation?
The forum search is showing me post from 2016 talking about a "changes on widget system" so I Imagine that is too old.
Any examples of forums using ads that I can find. I have a project and we need to know if nodebb is a good fit and the ads placement is critical.
Quick example of one global hardcoded advert:
Go to Extend>Widget
On right hand HTML will be default in dropdown list, pull the HTML container below and drop that into Global Header
Then click and paste this in<html> <body> <canvas id="Canvas1" width="500" height="80"></canvas> <script> var c1 = document.getElementById("Canvas1"); var ct1 = c1.getContext("2d"); ct1.fillStyle='yellow' ct1.fillRect(0,0,500,100) ct1.fillStyle='black' ct1.font="36px Arial" ct1.fillText("A NodeBB Advert!",10,60) </script> </body> </html>
That will show on every page.
More complex code can include images, cycle through adverts or you can select category.tpl in the setup to show different things on different category pages etc -
Thank you!I have a friend (and possible partner) that wants to move from their current community into nodebb (by my recommendation), but they are asking if the system allow placement for ads, because they sell that space to other marketing companies.
With the widgets, I am pretty sure we can add any html, so any ad company that give us an html and that will be fine.
With your example I can confirm too that any google ad server code will work as well (I was not sure if it accepted pure html and javascript or not).So the question is now more about, how many locations are for widgets?
Is there any examples, does it depend of the themes? Or is this something easy to setup from the admin (adding extra zones for example)?
Some locations they need:- Every X posts on one topic.
- Every X topics on a category page.
- And the classics, top, bottom of posts, etc (I imagine those will be covered, but not sure).
All those questions I was trying to solve using other examples and documentation and looking through the forum, and I must say I have been a little disappointed on the information available. The forum information seems old, the themes are from 2016 as well, and there is little information about something critical for more businesses to use nodebb. On the other hand, you were fast and really helpful here, so that is also nice (thank you again). So I still want to convince them, but I need some things to show or tell them.
I am building a demo forum and planned to create "fake ads" to show them, still working on this.