Android quirks
On android, the chat text input is blocked off by the keyboard, so you can't see what you're entering. This is on a Samsung Galaxy S3, latest version of Android.
Also, the reply/flag/etc icons sometimes are lined up in funny looking ways.
Sorry no screencaps, but I can get some later.
Can confirm the chat issue on android, I've got the S4, latest android, the icons will drop to a second line if they don't fit on 1. Not a huge issue for me. I've only just noticed that the air view on my s4 works with nodebb on certain aspects of the site. It only brings up the tool tips, but it's pretty bloody cool. I've only been able to use it on flipboard in the past.
Recall Julian mentioning that it's either difficult or impossible to determine where a keyboard is on a android phone, with iOS you know the keyboard size, but android, multiple keyboards, heights, screen widths etc makes it harder. Not sure on the best method for this apart from trying to replicate a messaging app. But even that isn't easy. Even Apple get it wrong. (Try leaving a long review on the App Store, after about 9-10 lines you can't see your text)
We could always just disable the native keyboard altogether and roll our own
The thing we don't want to do is rely on hacks to get things to work. They're almost never worth the technical debt incurred.
I mean, just check out this fancy keyboard @psychobunny made in a past life
Edit: Mmm, dat keyboard:
@zenkamal using seperate style sheets for mobile, hacks and a fair amount of absolute positioning.
discourse/app/assets/stylesheets/mobile/compose.scss at main 路 discourse/discourse
A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. - discourse/app/assets/stylesheets/mobile/compose.scss at main 路 discourse/discourse
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