error: Error: [[error:group-name-too-long]] on NodeBB Upgrade
Bug Reports
After upgrading NodeBB from 1.13.x to 1.16.1 I received the following error after the first start of the NodeBB instance:
→ [2020/10/13] Create verified/unverified user groups...Error occurred 2021-01-16T13:12:18.178Z [4567/28540] - error: Error: [[error:group-name-too-long]] at Object.Groups.validateGroupName (/home/makesmartnodebb/ at Groups.create (/home/makesmartnodebb/ at Object.wrapperCallback [as create] (/home/makesmartnodebb/ at Object.method (/home/makesmartnodebb/ at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7) [cluster] Child Process (28540) has exited (code: 0, signal: null)
The key message was:
error: Error: [[error:group-name-too-long]]
So I used a MongoDB client - such as MongoDB Compass - to fix the displayed error.
At first I used following filter to get the config of NodeBB.
I found the config object with following Key/Value Pair:
maximumGroupNameLength: 15
I changed it to:
maximumGroupNameLength: 30
So I was able to start NodeBB again.
I think the created groups within the upgrade caused this error.
I just write this topic to help people who are searching for this error. This is the fix.
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