Need Help with Enum
Hello People,
I have an application where I am exporting enum like this
path (D:\mainfolder\myapp\shared\constants\errors.ts)export const RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES: { [key: string]: string } = { 'IncorrectUsernameOrPassword': 'IncorrectUsernameOrPassword', };
and importing here
path (D:\mainfolder\myapp\server\core\shared\constants\errors.ts)import { errorMessagesNames } from '../../../../shared/constants/errors'; export interface IErrorMessage { code: number; name: string; message: string; } export const errorMessages = Object.freeze({ LOGIN_UNAUTHORIZED: { code: 2, message: 'The username and password you entered did not match our records. Please double-check and try again.', name: errorMessagesNames.IncorrectUsernameOrPassword } });
in other files where I am using something like this
TestServerHelper.userError(error, { app: { code: 2, description: 'The username and password you entered did not match our records. Please double-check and try again.', name: 'IncorrectUsernameOrPassword', user: { authenticated: false, _id: null } } });
No problem in above code and files
Problem is I have one other file, where I have code like this
path (D:\mainfolder\myapp\client\app\shared\constants.ts)export const RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES: { [key: string]: string } = { 'IncorrectUsernameOrPassword': 'error_user_not_found', };
I am not understanding how to use enum in this above file.
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