Server Performance
Hi, can anyone point me to a reference for server performance?
Right now my Ubuntu server is 2GB Ram with 1 Core seems to be very fast, but I only have 15 or so users testing so far, when I make the switch from the old forum, there will be 900+ users
Any idea what kind of Memory and CPU usage 900 users would cause?
Hi, can anyone point me to a reference for server performance?
Right now my Ubuntu server is 2GB Ram with 1 Core seems to be very fast, but I only have 15 or so users testing so far, when I make the switch from the old forum, there will be 900+ users
Any idea what kind of Memory and CPU usage 900 users would cause?
Use to push your forum. Start with low traffic, than increase till you see errors, that's your server limit. I cheap VPS I had could serve around 1 million pageviews per month before it showed issues.
Use to push your forum. Start with low traffic, than increase till you see errors, that's your server limit. I cheap VPS I had could serve around 1 million pageviews per month before it showed issues.
@Pummelchen Those are great metrics! Thanks for sharing
Our standard is 500k views per month, but it is a very conservative limit. Also keep in mind depending on forum usage, there would be fewer actual page loads, and more relatively lightweight calls to
, so in theory, you could handle even more traffic.