NodeBB Documentation
Hey all,
We're in the midst of transitioning from our Wiki over to Sphinx-based documentation. We just completed it this weekend, have a look:
We'd love contributors to it, anything from how-to's for plugins or themes to guides for administrating NodeBB from an end-user perspective.
It's part of our core repository. The idea is that we can update docs concurrently along with the core (ex. if I were to add a new plugin hook, I would also update the documentation at the same time). Hopefully we can also increase participation as well.
Anyways, give us your thoughts. If you want a certain section included or if you were interested in contributing to something, let us know
Is it "moving wiki from github to own page generated by files from within repo"?
Sorry for the question but I still don't like the usage of "documentation" in this use-case because "documentation" lets me think about documentation of single js-functions/variables/classes...Of cause my first thought of this new wiki is: It's better for you to manage since you don't need to access github from browser anymore, therefor it's better for users/plugin-writers/etc. because it's more up-to-date
more thoughts: nice layout, search is usefulmaybe you should replace the github-wiki with a link to the new one
Yeah I gotcha, I know exactly what you mean. It's something we'll think about eventually (traditional documentation generated from comments within source) but moving to repo is a step in that direction I would imagine.
And thanks
yeah will update the link tomorrow
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