TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
I've just upgraded from v1.10.2 to v1.11.2 (luckily not on my live site) and when I try to view any categories, I get this error.
I thought I would ask about it here, before posting on the bug tracker.
2019-02-06T14:40:08.983Z [4999/26981] - error: uncaughtException: Converting circular structure to JSON TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>) at stringify (/var/****/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1119:12) at ServerResponse.json (/var/****/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:260:14) at async.waterfall.str (/var/****/src/middleware/render.js:74:18) at nextTask (/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5324:14) at next (/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5331:9) at /var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:969:16 at /var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:473:16 at next (/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5329:29) at /var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:969:16 {"error":{},"stack":"TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON\n at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)\n at stringify (/var/****/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:1119:12)\n at ServerResponse.json (/var/****/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:260:14)\n at async.waterfall.str (/var/****/src/middleware/render.js:74:18)\n at nextTask (/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5324:14)\n at next (/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5331:9)\n at /var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:969:16\n at /var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:473:16\n at next (/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:5329:29)\n at /var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:969:16","exception":true,"date":"Wed Feb 06 2019 14:40:08 GMT+0000 (GMT)","process":{"pid":26981,"uid":1001,"gid":1001,"cwd":"/var/****","execPath":"/usr/bin/node","version":"v8.11.2","argv":["/usr/bin/node","/var/****/app.js"],"memoryUsage":{"rss":168038400,"heapTotal":132849664,"heapUsed":96406152,"external":36713046}},"os":{"loadavg":[1.1171875,0.72021484375,0.57958984375],"uptime":3294087},"trace":[{"column":null,"file":null,"function":"JSON.stringify","line":null,"method":"stringify","native":false},{"column":12,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/express/lib/response.js","function":"stringify","line":1119,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":14,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/express/lib/response.js","function":"ServerResponse.json","line":260,"method":"json","native":false},{"column":18,"file":"/var/****/src/middleware/render.js","function":"async.waterfall.str","line":74,"method":"str","native":false},{"column":14,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js","function":"nextTask","line":5324,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":9,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js","function":"next","line":5331,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":16,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js","function":null,"line":969,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":16,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js","function":null,"line":473,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":29,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js","function":"next","line":5329,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":16,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/async/dist/async.js","function":null,"line":969,"method":null,"native":false}]}
I also get this error when trying to view any category 'admin functions' in the admin panel.
2019-02-06T14:57:40.563Z [4999/27022] - error: uncaughtException: Maximum call stack size exceeded RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at Function.isBuffer (buffer.js:398:36) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:44:66) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11) {"error":{},"stack":"RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded\n at Function.isBuffer (buffer.js:398:36)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:44:66)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59)\n at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11)","exception":true,"date":"Wed Feb 06 2019 14:57:40 GMT+0000 (GMT)","process":{"pid":27022,"uid":1001,"gid":1001,"cwd":"/var/****","execPath":"/usr/bin/node","version":"v8.11.2","argv":["/usr/bin/node","/var/****/app.js"],"memoryUsage":{"rss":144797696,"heapTotal":113262592,"heapUsed":90477720,"external":36807213}},"os":{"loadavg":[0.447265625,0.3173828125,0.37060546875],"uptime":3295139},"trace":[{"column":36,"file":"buffer.js","function":"Function.isBuffer","line":398,"method":"isBuffer","native":false},{"column":66,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":44,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":59,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":58,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":11,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":37,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":59,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":58,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":59,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":58,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":11,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":37,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":59,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":58,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":59,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":58,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":11,"file":"/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js","function":"hasBinary","line":37,"method":null,"native":false}]} 2019-02-06T14:57:40.563Z [4999/27022] - error: Maximum call stack size exceeded RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at Function.isBuffer (buffer.js:398:36) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:44:66) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:58:59) at hasBinary (/var/****/node_modules/has-binary2/index.js:37:11)
P.S. I've removed my folder name and replaced it with ****, in case you were wondering.
It sounds like you have a circular category relationship.
It happens when category A has a child category B which then has category A as a child again.
You will have to check your database to see if that is the case. Which database are you using?
It sounds like you have a circular category relationship.
It happens when category A has a child category B which then has category A as a child again.
You will have to check your database to see if that is the case. Which database are you using?
I just tried converting my current forum which is still on v1.10.2 again to see if its resolved with the latest node, however I'm still getting this issue when trying to view a category either in category view or on the admin panel.
Do you know how I can check the database to solve this @baris ?
Can you put this script in your nodebb root folder and post the output here?
It should show your category structure.
Can you put this script in your nodebb root folder and post the output here?
It should show your category structure.
@baris Thanks in advance for your help.
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That's a lot of categories
I will run it through a script to see if there are any issues.
I went through that list and haven't noticed any issues. Can you put this
before this line on your test environment and then go to the page that has this issue. Hopefully it shows the problematic data. -
I went through that list and haven't noticed any issues. Can you put this
before this line on your test environment and then go to the page that has this issue. Hopefully it shows the problematic data.