why tf would you hang your home internet on the cell network
why tf would you hang your home internet on the cell network
i do not understand having that much trust in long range wireless
@[email protected] clearly they have never used AT&T my phone will go into SOS mode about once a week because it can't get reception for unknown reasons.
@[email protected] now this i disagree with. https://www.wired.com/2015/03/spencer-harding-the-long-lines/ this was damn reliable for what it was. the problem with long range wireless is just the amount of noise nowadays
@[email protected] @[email protected] aren't these still being used in some parts of the US
@[email protected] if you have a clear band with a high transmission power and nothing between point a and b? 100% fine. of course, you know i am stretching this a bit because i am talking about specifically microwave backhaul which requires a lot of steps. first everyone needs to be trained, you need to be very specific with alignment because you can literally boil people alive if you fuck up etc.
@[email protected] @[email protected] Kind of? In mountainous areas there's microwave backhaul between cellular towers. It's not the same network that AT&T made long ago.
@[email protected] @[email protected] they're also a lot smaller and shorter range.
@[email protected] okay that's actually a really cool bit of history. still, don't see how it applies as im talking about 24/7 4g/5g hotspotting
@[email protected] oh that is just bad in general i just wanted to clarify that not everything wireless is bad.
@[email protected] @[email protected] i mean this sounds extreme but it's not uncommon. you wouldn't want to walk up to an AM radio tower.
@[email protected] @[email protected] Plus, they specifically position these high up. Think mountain tops, where you're not going to randomly just enter a beam of microwave and boil
@[email protected] @[email protected] they're directional, and narrow. so it's not like it's blasting the entire area with microwaves. it's more like a laser
@puppygirlhornypost2 @mir it'd just boil you??
@[email protected] @[email protected] this is a small am tower too this isn't a big one