[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Your last post was 9 hours ago! What are you even doing?
The Computer doesn't make me feel bad for my hobbies.
The Computer doesn't question my life choices.
The Computer doesn't judge me on appearance.
The Computer tells me if we have a problem right away.
The Computer doesn't cancel plans at the last second.
The Computer is there for me if I need it.
The Computer doesn't forget what made it fun in the first place.
The Computer doesn't make me feel neglected.Maybe if people would be a little nicer to each other we wouldn't have to replace them with screens.
Maybe life isn't binary choices arbitrarily dreamed up so you can Boomer-judge others to deflect your projecting from your own insecurities.
The live-action one is pretty great. The anime is very dated. If you're going to watch the anime, then get a subtitled version. The dub voice acting is awful.
AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppetreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Wake up, neo.
I'll be a ghost in the machine
Hey hey, no judgements here
Only Zuul