AdminGroup title not displayed on members
I have 2 users in my admin group, me (I installed nodebb) and an additional user who I added later. The group title is being displayed beside my nick, but not beside the other user:
Any idea what could be wrong here? The group is not hidden.
Tom -
Go into that user's settings and check if group title is set.
Well, if I click on a user from the administration I end up in the frontend user profile, there's no groupTitle anywhere.
However, I managed to fix it via mongodb directly:
db.objects.update({ "username" : "Karin" }, { $set: { "groupTitle" : "administrators" }});
After nodebb restart the groupTitle shows.
- Tom
Well, if I click on a user from the administration I end up in the frontend user profile, there's no groupTitle anywhere.
However, I managed to fix it via mongodb directly:
db.objects.update({ "username" : "Karin" }, { $set: { "groupTitle" : "administrators" }});
After nodebb restart the groupTitle shows.
- Tom
@tlinden it would be at
Opps sorry I meant
it used to be under settings but we moved it to edit profile.