The #Android calculator app takes no permissions and doesn't support notifications and is just under 2.5M in size and yet it has still transmitted 366kB on my phone since October and for what??
Scott Williams 🐧replied to Scott Williams 🐧 last edited by
The payloads are roughly the same size every month except for in October, which appears to be the first time it made any data calls. So did Google just start collecting telemetry on the calculator app in October 2024?
Scott Williams 🐧replied to Scott Williams 🐧 last edited by [email protected]
Also, why does the calculator app even need background data enabled by default?
"Why do we even have that lever, Kronk?"
Scott Williams 🐧replied to Scott Williams 🐧 last edited by [email protected]
Scott Williams 🐧replied to OpenComputeDesign last edited by
@OpenComputeDesign My guess is that Google started adding telemetry to the stock calculator app for some reason between October to early November of last year.
@vwbusguy Syncing EULA and/or license info most likely
@vwbusguy Not implying this is the reason but some calculator apps do have currency conversion functionality and all, which requires internet
@triskelion I have done exactly zero of those. I mainly only use this to calculate tips at restaurants.
mx alex tax1a - 2020 (5)replied to Scott Williams 🐧 last edited by
@vwbusguy benign explanation: conversion tables for currency
sinister explanations abound
Scott Williams 🐧replied to mx alex tax1a - 2020 (5) last edited by [email protected]
@atax1a Wouldn't that be foreground data on demand?
mx alex tax1a - 2020 (5)replied to Scott Williams 🐧 last edited by
@vwbusguy maybe it pulls updates on a regular basis, or something. of course, a packet capture would be more informative
Scott Williams 🐧replied to mx alex tax1a - 2020 (5) last edited by
@atax1a Yeah, a packet capture would certainly be helpful. I didn't see any increase when using the calculator app tonight though, so if it's truly recurring background telemetry, that might not be the easiest.