Installed on Koding to test, few issues?
Hi, I'm really quite new to nodeBB, but when I saw some of the examples I had to give it a go. So, before actually purchasing with Digital Ocean, I've set up a test on Koding and have it all set up and working. However I have a few issues. I've bullet pointed them for ease.
- Can't change theme, says nodeBB is restarting, however suspect it's not as nothing happens.
- Installing Plugins, then going to the Plugin options within Admin gives me a 404 error. Plugins that came with nodeBB work fine.
- Can't create New Topics, create title, add text, click Submit, Submit box greys out, then nothing, however clicking Discard asks if I want to discard that post, as if it had actually posted.
I am using forever to keep nodebb up and running, should I disable this for testing purposes? (If someone could explain how here, that would be great.)
I'm a php developer by trade, so I'm very new to all this web 3.0 magic.
@planner I have it installed inside the Web folder of Koding under a mynodebb directory. I think a VM reboot cured everything. I can even change themes on the fly now which is nice. I'm having a play now, will join in the feature requests shortly.
I'm just trying to ascertain what the URL of the NodeBB installation is;,, or