Chaotic-Evil Neutral-Evil reporting in
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
You don't memorize the page number, you just sort of remember where you are and find it
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Ok Satan
Absolutely, putting a book down open face will fuck up the spine, and if done for a long time or repeatedly, the whole book will be deformed and maybe even fall apart.
That seems much more chaotic to me than dog earing a few pages.
CaptainBlagbirdreplied to [email protected] last edited by
And then there is Billy Boyd's method, which is so evil it is off the chart.
My library gives out paper due-date receipts, so its was meant to be.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Hi there, it's called ADHD, kill me
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I have been known for the occasional psychotic break
[email protected]replied to CaptainBlagbird last edited by
Oh please detail, I feel like I'm missing something. What does the mighty fool-of-a-Took man do to books!?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
You're thanked for that goodness!
My wife used to handle library returns. They had to examine each book for signs of bed bugs, and found interesting things used as bookmarks. Sometimes money, personal notes, or random business cards.
But I tell you, no story beat: A razor blade. Yep. Just fell right out. Naked and sharp. How's that for chaotic evil??
(Thankfully nobody was harmed. Glad they all wore gloves!)
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Well that's a terrible bookmark! You have to be able to pick a bookmark up safely I feel!
"Previously on... Or wait, does this sound familiar? Did we jump forward instead?"
CaptainBlagbirdreplied to [email protected] last edited by
I can't find the exact episode anymore (there is no short of it and I don't have the time rn to go through every one once again), but in the Friendship Onion podcast, he told us the following:
Earlier in his life he was working in a book printing factory. And apparently he was allowed to keep books (not sure if that was only when there were cosmetic defects etc). Anyway, he read these books but instead of using a bookmark, he just tore out the pages so that when opening the book, the current page would always be the first one.
Truly a fool of a took 🥲, but I still love him
(If anyone knows which episode that was, please share.)
CaptainBlagbirdreplied to [email protected] last edited by
We might need a 3rd axis for this, I feel it can be connected to any of these
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I leave the whatever it is in the book at the end. Not in library books, mind you. Don't like making more work for librarians. I started the habit when I found a baggage claim ticket in a book I bought at a used bookstore. I leave them in when I pass them on to the next owner.
I've found a few ersatz bookmarks over the years. The best so far was a 6 of clubs. The worst was a used q-tip.
Burning the page you just finished reading so you can read the next page, while standing there in a dark labyrinth
where a minotaur is lurking. -
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I have done it all except leaving it face down
I used an eraser to keep track of it, had a bookmark that I used, and I actually used a pencil to keep track of where the sentence was, and don't even ask me about Adam Smith's wealth of nations where I quite literally did math on the pages with the charts and scribbled page numbers to keep track of shit
[email protected]replied to CaptainBlagbird last edited by
Oh fuck no
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Is that chaotic lawful?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Just a reminder that you shouldn't put plants in your book – seriously, that can ruin the paper.
Chaotic Good, or I'm just listening to an audio book.