I feel like I’ve seen every recent Python job vacancy in my area and around, and it doesn’t bring me joy.
@mahryekuh In what other way(s) do you think you'd like to enter the accessibility industry? Beyond integrating it into any software you make, which is obviously a critically important thing in itself.
@jscholes I am still determining. It has been in my mind since I decided not to do front-end development anymore.
I am underqualified in most ways and need to learn more about the types of jobs and the actual practical and professional knowledge. I fear this will take much longer than I can bargain for now. (It would essentially be a career switch).
I plan to meet with one of my auditor acquaintances in the city soon to hear what he thinks about local (Dutch) opportunities.
@mahryekuh Well if I can help with any context/thoughts, albeit outside of that specific market, let me know.
@jscholes Thank you! If I have a better idea of what I want I’ll let you know (aside from running out of the IT industry screaming)!
@mahryekuh I know what you mean, I’m in the east of the country and companies either don’t appreciate my skillset or don’t want to pay. Or they’re sexist and toxic
@mahryekuh Good to know! I'm not sure we have the capacity and suitable projects for another freelancer right now, but I'll check and keep you in mind!
@rami Thank you!
@Anneke Yes, yes, and yes.