Hey #Musicians, if you're on #Bandwagon, the time has come.
replied to Andy Piper last edited by
Following a query of search results is coming soon. That's the big change that will make it different, but I think I need to hide that widget from the "beta" until it works.
But, you didn't have any trouble following a specific band, did you?
replied to Ben Pate 🤘🏻 last edited by
@benpate no idea yet, I'm using words, and not sure what I want thinking about possible futures. I don't think a hashtag is "supposed" to include a hyphen. I did manage to follow a band but had to paste the ID into the Mastodon side, always fails with the intent link.
replied to Andy Piper last edited by
@benpate apparently I think best when driving to the studio... so I'm thinking having Bandwagon search as an optional search provider inside of GNOME Shell (if I'm continuing with that little side project) - could be cool to search for artists, albums, genres and have them offered as results in GNOME itself -> visits to profiles.
replied to Andy Piper last edited by
Awesome idea. Thanks. I've put this in my project queue to think about: https://github.com/orgs/EmissarySocial/projects/1/views/1?pane=issue&itemId=95178266
I have a few other things I *need* to get done first, but I want to keep this in the mix to consider with other kinds of search-related issues.