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  • 7 Votes
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    As of today, the NodeBB-ActivityPub implementation now supplies both context and audience properties with every post.

    N.B. When I say context and audience, these are also terms used by the ForumWG that refer to "topic" and "category", in NodeBB parlance.

    Early indications from the last ForumWG meeting indicate movement towards the inclusion of context in a low-level as:Note object (a federated NodeBB post), resolvable as an as:Collection or as:OrderedCollection. The latter is what NodeBB will send, ordered by post time.

    Discussions with @[email protected] also suggest that Discourse has the ability to parse an as:OrderedCollection context if provided, but currently does not if encountered as a property in a Note.

    A minor change today also updates the audience property, which used to erroneously point to the context/topic, but now points to the audience/category. This change aligns usage of this property with FEP-1b12's expectations.

    This change should allow other implementors to:

    automatically group objects together given a the provided context, and more thoroughly backfill a given object's context, without relying on inReplyTo traversal
  • NodeBB 3.8.0

    NodeBB Development
    5 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello Everyone 👋!

    Today we are releasing NodeBB 3.8.0. Please read below for all the changes in this release.

    Moderation Improvements 🔨

    We made some improvements on the user account info page. Namely:

    Unmutes and Unbans will show up in the user history. If the account is flagged it will show up in the "Latest Flags" section. Moderation notes are editable. Username & email history will show who made the change.


    User/Group filter on admin events page 📅


    Events in the admin page can be filtered by a single user or a group of users.

    Field selector for user export 👥


    Exporting a list of users in the acp now let's you select which fields to include in the export.

    Docker improvements 🐋

    Thanks to more work by @oplik0 we have more improvements to our docker setup, full PR

    Bug fixes & Misc 🐛

    As usual there are plenty of bug fixes in this release.

    Full list of closed issues.

    Let us know if you run into any issues in our support thread.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Mikha'il HatheyM

    I am using AWS SES and when I do a test email it works without issues, however when a new user registers they don't get the email validation and when I try resending it doesn't work either.

  • Moderation notes

    Feature Requests
    0 Votes
    1 Posts


    I am looking for a feature to handle moderation notes separately from user posts. Currently, admins/mods edit posts in their own way to include moderation messages, but I prefer a dedicated feature for this.


    Separate Moderation Section:

    A distinct section for moderation notes, appended but clearly separate from the user's content. Example: A box or highlighted area at the top or bottom of the post or in the signature

    Distinct Styling:

    Formatting options to make moderation notes stand out (different font, color, borders).

    Admin Tools:

    Easy access for moderators to add, edit, or remove notes via a simple interface.

    Possible benefits:

    Maintains original post integrity. Provides clear communication on moderation actions. Enhances user experience and transparency.

    Thank you for considering this request.

    Best regards

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi all,
    Well this is my first time writing a plugin which involves using client side hooks...
    For a start, i would want my plugin to listen to a hook which activates when the topic page is completely loaded and topic tools are loaded too.

    For which I wrote this function:

    'use strict'; /* globals document, $ */ $(document).ready(function () { function alertType(type, message) { require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts[type](message); }); } console.log('nodebb-plugin-quickstart: loaded'); $(window).on('action:topic.loaded', notifyBox); function notifyBox() { console.log("in notify box"); alertType('success', "done") } });

    but this is not working... I can only see "nodebb-plugin-quickstart: loaded" on the console.

    Where am i going wrong here??

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    I use nodebb-plugin-session-sharing to automatically login users from my WebApp.
    This works great on desktop!

    But when I add the cookie to WebView of my React Native app i get:

    Encountered an error loading page code: -1007 description: "too many HTTP redirects" didFailProvisionalNavigation: true domain: "NSURLErrorDomain"

    I inject the cookie by calling

    <WebView source={{ uri: domain, headers: { Cookie: `${tokenName}=${token};Domain=${tokenDomain};HttpOnly;`}, } } />

    When I remove the cookie from the header and reload the app on Simulator, I'm logged in, so the cookie and the plugin mechanism is basically working.

    React Native WebView reference
    nodebb-plugin-session-sharing on Github

    Anyone an idea about this?

    Kind regards

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hey @[email protected], how can I add events to the SWICG calendar? I notice there's a little button to include "Task Forces" in the listing, so I think listing our meetings would be helpful, now that we've settled on a more consistent time/day-of-week.

    cc @[email protected] (unrelatedly, do you get notified if I mention your SocialHub handle?)

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello, first of' thanks for the amazing work !
    For the context: I'm a junior developer from France, so excuse my english (and my limited understanding of everything lol). I was looking for a software alternative to build a forum RPG. I just installed NodeBB on Ubuntu 20 (Focal) working on WSL 2. I'm using redis and want to write plugin using typescript.

    It would be great to have a guide version of the Quickstart plugin in typescript !
    I know its possible to write plugin in typescript, the emoji plugin does that. But it would save me so much time to have a guide that explain the extra step we need to do in order of compiler and make it work on NodeBB.

    Here's my questions tho:

    Is it in the roadmap team of NodeBB to document how to write plugin in typescript? Did the team plan to write a typescript version of NodeBB?

    Although it would be great to have some more advanced example right in the documentation on how to do something and what are the step to make it work.
    Like here :

    Like "if I want to add/ change something, I have to think of the scope of this features and what's need to be modify in other file to be working properly". Or at least, say it in the documentation a little bit more straightforward. So that beginner will understand that first sight. But I think examples are more worthy than tons of words.

    Is it possible for beginner to contribute on the documentation to make it more specific and understandable for beginners, or is it a documentation for more experienced developers and a choice of the team (and don't want to change that)?

    Is it because from a plugin to another, things might be working so differently that it's not worthy to do a more detailed documentation ?

    Because people might be wanted to write plugin over time, mutualisation of knowledge would be great, so that might simplified the process of each developer trying to write plugin have to go throw investigations to understand how NodeBB works before even start to develop the actual plugin.

    For example: How to interact with the database explain in this answer: for me this should be in the documentation.

    In conclusion, I feel like in general people agree that it's difficult to start writting plugin without investigate and dive in the structure file of the source code. I'm willing to help on that make it easier to really understand how NodeBB works for developer. So that anyone not familiar with the source code can start almost immediately customization. :emo:

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hello there,

    after some time i want to take a second attempt to start a successful forum.
    My idea was the following: A forum that allows for uncomplicated communication of ideas and allows users to sell their ideas to other foum users.

    I set up my page with the help of a friend: my forum

    I didnt take into account the problems to get the ball rolling; means I have no users

    Note that there is no payment method right now, it is prettmuch only a normal forum.

    Now to what i have planned to be the "second attempt" version:

    In the region where i want to start, there is a company called Tobit that developed a software named "chanys".
    One reason for me to use it is the adaption in my region, id guess atleast 70% of the people in a distance of 20 km have this app on their smartphone.
    It is also adapted further i think they have serveral million downloads of their app.
    It has imo also alot of features that will be helpful to my project for example:



    Note: the "cayns" project is also open source.

    "Cayns" offers also a website building tool to easily implement their features "chanys".
    My easy hack (that describes my lvl of programming skills) would be to do an iframe onto my forum ^^.
    I know thats really bad (and it doesnt work without changing settings).

    What are other ways to make a better MVP?
    Thank you!

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Are nodebb + nextjs compatible?
    When developing nodebb custom plugin or custom theme, is there a way to make nextjs compatible?
    reactjs is client side rendering, and nextjs is SSR, so when considering seo, it must be developed with SSR.
    These days, many of the web developers being hired use nextjs as a basis for development, so we are also developing web using nextjs.

    Of course, I know how to use bootstrap + jquery tpl express. But these days, people who are beginners in web development are more familiar with nextjs.

  • Plugin for 'file attachments'

    Unsolved Technical Support
    0 Votes
    1 Posts


    Are there any plugins that would allow users to attach files to posts, and allow me to store them locally on the server for other users to access? I run a developer oriented site, so the files would usually be zips, gzs etc.

    I assume one of the various 'upload' plugins would take care of half the problem, but they all seem to be for 'S3' or 'CF' which I assume are commercial cloud outfits that would charge for storage, while I'm trying to do all this on the ultra cheap, ie: free!


  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    as did the nodebb community

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts


    I successfully installed NodeBB using docker-compose.

    Everything seems to be working as expected, but when the nodebb container starts up, NodeBB starts running. However, when I connect to bash and check its status using the CLI, it shows that NodeBB is not running, even though it actually is.

    When I try to stop it, I can't. And when I try to start it using the CLI, even though I initially installed it with MongoDB, it gives an error related to postgres.

    Initially I've installed NodeBB with Postgres, then I removed the container and installed with Mongo.


  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Is anyone using WeChat to scan and log in? The plugin seems to be malfunctioning. Does anyone have a solution? Thx.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    My scene description:
    If I copy content from other web pages into the editor, it is usually a mixture of text and images on the web page, and I find that images cannot be uploaded, only text can be pasted. I need to upload pictures one by one, which is very troublesome.

    The help I need:
    How to automatically upload pasted images after pasting content into the editor? Thx.

  • Admin Invites and Registration Queue

    Unsolved Technical Support
    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    mutahar aliM

    Is there a way to enable registration queue but make it so that user's registering with admin invites are able to register bypassing registration queue and admin approval? Since it would only make sense since the admins are the ones who invited the user.

    Many thanks!