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    1 Posts
    First of all, I'm new to NodeJS development. I'm liking it so far (except for a few annoyances here and there). I am extending development of nodebb-plugin-import-ipboard (forked and will send a PR once it's done) to support a bunch of stuff the current plugin does not currently support, for instance: IPB replies which are in a special blockquote format. Spoiler blocks Mentions A few more things... On my nodebb-plugin-import-ipboard/index.js file, which I'm requiring from a manual test.js file (so it's not running inside NodeBB!), I placed a: var db = require('nodebb-plugin-import/server/db'); But when I try to use it like this: var imported_post = db.getObject("_imported_post:1566"); I just get "undefined". I can see on the debugger variables Redis is loaded (but I don't know if it was loaded correctly.) I also tried loading data instead of db: var data = require('nodebb-plugin-import/server/data'); and var imported_post = data.getImportedPost("1566"); And I just get undefined. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts
    First of all, I'm new to NodeJS development. I'm liking it so far (except for a few annoyances here and there). I am extending development of nodebb-plugin-import-ipboard (forked and will send a PR once it's done) to support a bunch of stuff the current plugin does not currently support, for instance: IPB replies which are in a special blockquote format. Spoiler blocks Mentions A few more things... On my nodebb-plugin-import-ipboard/index.js file, which I'm requiring from a manual test.js file (so it's not running inside NodeBB!), I placed a: var db = require('nodebb-plugin-import/server/db'); But when I try to use it like this: var imported_post = db.getObject("_imported_post:1566"); I just get "undefined". I can see on the debugger variables Redis is loaded (but I don't know if it was loaded correctly.) I also tried loading data instead of db: var data = require('nodebb-plugin-import/server/data'); and var imported_post = data.getImportedPost("1566"); And I just get undefined. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts
    @bentael After some pause, I think I'm ready to work on custom importer. After some investigation I have found, that Importer works with classic/basic entities. Even If I will create custom importer, for example nodebb-plugin-import-ipboard-very-custom, import plugin will use only designed methods (I will be able to import additional fields) like: setup, getPaginatedUsers, getPaginatedCategories, getPaginatedTopics, getPaginatedPosts, and several utility methods like logging, testRun, etc. My question: as author of importer, what do you recommend to do if I want to import additional entities? (Example: awards) What I want to accomplish after import: Import of standard data: topics, categories, posts, users - It's simple and clear Import custom user fields without altering User document for future plugin use Import additional entity - Awards for future plugin use Import additional entity - Points(like reputation, but isn't part of user table) for future plugin use
  • IP.Board Converter

    Feature Requests
    0 Votes
    17 Posts
    @jpg we have exporters for both. IP.Board VBulletin you don't really need to install any of these 2, just install and use the interface the select the right exporter. Note: hold off a little bit on the source forum with 2M+ posts, I am still in the process of resolving some memory issues