@[email protected] which to me defeats the entire point of nixos.
@[email protected] which to me defeats the entire point of nixos. It’s one thing for me to install something through flatpak on fedora, but the entire thing about nixos is declarative configurations. Take visual studio code (which is packaged wonderfully), installing it through flatpak removes your ability to declare what extensions you use. It always feels hacky to me to install it through flatpak but I understand why people do. Sometimes it’s easier than trying to get it working, and not everything needs to be declared.
@[email protected] I use jetbrains ides in flatpak (bc reasons - most notably me not realizing they changed how they distribute them. I am used to rider, clion etc having their own package. When I couldn’t find stand-alone rpms I just installed through flatpak). The appeal of nix would be for me to declare in one place, the extensions I use (enabling rainbow brackets, disabling the ai ones that interfere with my work), the versions of .NET sdk (and even some of the dotnet tools like wasm-tools). I love nix for that, but the problem is not every package is made the same. If you look at vscode’s configuration through nix it’s rich, now contrast that with OBS which also has plugins and would benefit from a declarative config for each plugin… and it’s just not there. Seeing long time maintainers leave the project made me quit, because I knew the problem would just get worse (and it has).
@[email protected] that's too real... i LOVE the declarative firefox config i have but theres so much that's just a lot harder to get working at all
@[email protected] yeah now you see why I’m negative about nix. Love the idea, think it’s amazing but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired. I’m still salty over flakes and the fact that when I stopped using nix they still weren’t a stable feature despite having entire ecosystems around them (home-manager). It has a very real breakdown when it comes to management of the project and what gets prioritized.