If I had an old account on a server that's been deleted for like 2 years now, how likely is it that those posts are still floating around somewhere in another server's cache? If I delete posts from this account, how long are they likely to stay in other servers' caches? I frankly have no idea how any of this works I'm just spitting out buzz words from other posts I've seen -
@[email protected] extremely complicated. it depends entirely on how well federated your old account was. how many of those instances you interacted with are still online 2 years later. as for the second question? it also depends. certain instances reject DELETE activities (this is intentional, often used maliciously) and so it's hard to say how long they may stay in other instances. it depends on how your instance handles deletes of posts too. certain software likes to fire off delete activities all at once to every instance (and those instances may be offline and unable to receive them... so many things)