i think this is the most amber coded picture lol.
@nobody yes
anyway you perverts probably want to see inside of my terminal so... here you go.
if you ask, what the fuck is the second board in that picture... when i purchased my vt100-aa it came with a decwriter card for printing. i don't have a decwriter but i saved the board and i taped over the eproms. no that is not a typo, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPROM back in the day you used uv light. i put black electrical tape over them so that later i could extract whatever was programmed. didn't want accidental exposure to the sun or whatever to make my decwriter card useless
@puppygirlhornypost2 omg it's wild that you have one of these
@[email protected] i spent like 2+ years watching ebay for one. i snagged this fully functional one for like $1k a couple years ago back when i was a little worse with money management. i don't regret this purchase though, the vt100-aa is an iconic terminal and even if it didn't work it is a great decoration. mine works and it's wonderful, i had to spend some time trying to slowly work the plastic (it was stuck in storage). so for a bit with this thing i just typed on the keyboard with it completely disconnected slowly turning the plastic from being brittle into something that was more workable. i also had to be extremely careful opening up the maintenance panel until i loosened up things.
@[email protected] now you can pretty much take it apart fine without having to worry about it snapping, cracking etc. i am still careful obviously but you know how it is.
:labrys-xf-p: HighPriestessTerra :labrys-xf-b: :xf_lesknife:replied to Amber last edited by@puppygirlhornypost2 im jelly. how is that keyboard?
@[email protected] the plastic is soft in a way that's really hard to describe, it's not mushy but it's not like modern ABS.
@puppygirlhornypost2 Strictly speaking, a UVEPROM as opposed to an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory).
@MikeH okay but back in the day there was no such thing as an electrically erasable programmable read only memory this is like specifying to people "DDR1" they didn't really think there'd be a DDR2
@puppygirlhornypost2 I thought EEPROMs came before UVEPROMs?
@MikeH no. eeproms became popular in the 70s (i believe 1974 was when they took off) and eproms have existed since the 50s-60s? at least from wikipedia
@MikeH unfortunately all the old people i know didn't work with computers during this time so they wouldn't be able to tell me