What do you imagine when someone says "API"/"Application Programming Interface" ?
What do you imagine when someone says "API"/"Application Programming Interface" ?
Please boost.
A: The interface
B: The implementation -
@[email protected] what does “I’m a web dev” mean here
Amberreplied to Charlotte last edited by [email protected]
@[email protected] @[email protected] I’m also confused because I don’t develop websites but I do develop api libraries that make HTTP requests to get json responses. I have to deserialize json into actual classes in the language of choice… am I web developer because I make a bunch of web requests and have to handle things like HTTP status?
@[email protected] @[email protected] I wouldn’t say so
@[email protected] @[email protected] also it’s hard to differentiate between the implementation and the what you mean by api. I answered it assuming we meant implementation as in how its implemented not "POST /path/to/resource" and a response body. I don’t care if the remote api is implemented in Python, nor do I really care if it uses xml, json or whatever. I will deserialize it into something to work with. I care about how it’s structured though. What constitutes a user class in a fedi software, what’s the path to get a user object, do I make a POST request with search parameters in a json body, do I parameterize a GET request
@[email protected] @[email protected] me neither. I hate web development
@puppygirlhornypost2 @CenTdemeern1 We meant specifically "it's written using Flask in Python" as the implementation, and "You need to POST this to get this thing in this format" as the interface
@[email protected] @[email protected] ok good so I have concluded I voted correctly and this was all just my autism massively overthinking everything.