the best part about sharkey reactions is how you can do some unhinged react to some post, and there's nothing the OP can do about it (for joke reasons, harrassing is not fun)
the best part about sharkey reactions is how you can do some unhinged react to some post, and there's nothing the OP can do about it (for joke reasons, harrassing is not fun)
@[email protected] may i introduce you to my favorite button
Gwen, the kween fops :neofox_flag_trans: :sheher:replied to Amber 🌸 last edited by
@[email protected] huh... I had not seen that button... what is a "sensitive" reaction? (I imagine NSFW and such?)
@[email protected] Glad you asked. A sensitive emoji is one that is marked as sensitive. What does that do? Nothing. is a sensitive emoji, notice how there's not even blurring for this sensitive emoji. I don't think the sensitivity tag federates either. It's the world's most useless attribute. Yeah okay, I can't react to posts with if they have "non-sensitive" but you know what I can do? reply to the post with the badseal emoji. There's no "hide sensitive emojis" in settings. There's nothing.
@[email protected] I would love to have NSFW emojis on marked as sensitive. It irks the shit out of me though that I can't because it doesn't do much. was a test of mine to determine how feasible that was. I wanted to know the behavior of sensitive emojis. I am so glad I used an innocuous shitpost emoji instead of an actual nsfw emoji. If we had proper sensitive emojis that blurred and that you could disable rendering of completely I'd upload neocat_woozy_pregnant to this instance as a sensitive emoji. Unfortunately no, you cannot.
Gwen, the kween fops :neofox_flag_trans: :sheher:replied to Amber 🌸 last edited by
@[email protected] huh... that's whack
I can imagine why is sensitive, cause like "stamping a post with the bad take seal", but writing it in a reply isn't even that much more effort, so it doesn't really stop that harassment. Yay for poorly implemented and only-half-thought-out features -
@[email protected] badseal is an emoji i used as a test for sensitive emojis. it is sensitive only for the meme at this point. i don't really care if people react to me with
@[email protected] @[email protected] missed opportunity to make non sensitive only
@[email protected] @[email protected] i don't remember if it federates. i believe the one should be marked sensitive dunno