/r/Adulting is full of probably very depressed people posting about how it sucks to be an adult when actually it sucks fo have depression
May Likes Torontoreplied to Adrianna Tan on last edited by
@skinnylatte On a chat server with friends, our #adulting channel is usually things we're proud of when we take care of ourselves.
Sometimes it's bad things that only happen to adult.
It's kind of nice.
@skinnylatte I saw that.
It's surreal.
@essentiallyjay ‘I don’t want to spend money so I never socialize’ well sorry buddy you chose social loneliness over some kind of hoarding / scarcity mindset
I have a lot of empathy for people like that coz I have been around many depressed people and people with severe financial trauma (and I have also been depressed, and have also had to really re-examine my relationship with money, which is why I’m on those subs in the first place)
It reminds me of the ‘personal finance’ people who are like move to the lowest COL (cost of living) state with no jobs, buy a house, because home ownership is the most important, who cares if you have any friends and family and social networks you don’t need people you just need money
@skinnylatte Probably! But it also sucks when people around you don't give a shit about your feelings, act as assholes, kill others just because they can and are allowed to, and you see that this humanity is lost in the dream that AI is going to bring humanity into this inhumane world!
Adrianna Tanreplied to May Likes Toronto on last edited by
@MayInToronto that’s nice! I’m all for celebrating things like that. /r/Adulting is 80% ‘my life sucks I hate my job I don’t have energy I can’t do anything why is being an adult so bad’
Well I feel like I’m having a lot of fun, but I’ve been there before and I can recognize it
@joaopinheiro that’s why it’s important to have community and networks. Online and off.
The thing irking me at the moment is the lengths people go to fit an entire house into a van and the glorification of that.
All while wealthy folk are buying up all the housing to add it to their investment portfolio, as they see it as just as a common sense thing to do.
@skinnylatte “Financial trauma”? Like, experienced financial hardship/being poor and that bc of that someone would be afraid of spending?
@boby_biq I think everyone has some kind of financial trauma of some kind. If you grew up poor, you might still feel like everything is going to be lost if you eat something nice once. Or you might go the other way and really develop shopping addictions. There’s a lot of people in the frugal lifestyle who have scarcity mindset even when they are rich, sometimes to the extent of ignoring social connections completely or writing off people not like them
And yes, @MayInToronto is right that there is a huge overlap between adult life and figuring out how to deal with loneliness. I’m not dunking on that. I’m saying that everyone can do better with a bit more introspection. I think the adult loneliness epidemic is global, and going to get worse.
@skinnylatte Thanks, I just didn’t know what it was, also re reading my reply it wasn’t super clear.
(I am weird with money )
@benx van life! Interesting diy project, completely ignores classist aspects of law enforcement harassment of people in van life (depends on which you are)
@[email protected] I’ve done some introspection and decided it’s more a “structural” problem.
@boby_biq many people are! I am! We all are to an extent!
@watcher also!