Historian Kristin du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne, has an interview out with John Blake on CNN.
Literally 1700s
I've recently looked into allegations of sexual abuse about female convicts and first nation peoples in the colony of Botany bay in Australia.
Let me tell you it's not a pretty picture.
I will post about it when I collect my thoughts, still in shock about it.
But basically it boils down to;
1 - Women were legally the property of their husbands.
2 - The idea of consent was very very different
3 - Your likelihood of reporting abuse largely depended on your Social standing as a woman.
Aboriginal women were treated like livestock.
That's the "virtuous" past these maggots crave.
@n_dimension Thank you. An important historical case to point to here, and as Faulkner famously said, history is not over and past.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to bouriquet last edited by
@bouriquet I'd say that Christian nationalists are instrumentally useful to Trump and his handlers like Thiel, Bannon, and Musk. None of those men buy into Christian nationalism, but they're perfectly willing to promote its ideas and to use Christian nationalists to serve their agenda of domination and control by the super-rich.
bouriquetreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy So how to unmask them as disingenuous?
@wdlindsy This is actually how it is.
blindskeletonreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy It's fucking scary.
@wdlindsy more like the anti-Christ
@lrreynolds For sure.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to blindskeleton last edited by
@wwwiebe It is, indeed.
@Tharpa My head is sometimes dull and I'm not sure I'm seeing your point with the yin-yang symbol.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to bouriquet last edited by
@bouriquet I suppose that, to me, it seems self-evident that they unmask themselves, as Trump does. Nothing about them exhibits any real commitment to or even deep understanding of the core teachings of Christianity.
@wdlindsy A chauvanist view is not the correct view. Women and men are complimentary, and not in competition, and neither sex can be considered superior.
Godfrey642replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
To be brutally honest that's exactly the same as a lot of the rhetoric from hard-line Jewish and Islamic groups.Imho the sooner all this faux-faith and divinity nonsense goes the better...
But being connected to each other in a grounded spiritual way is something completely different. -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Godfrey642 last edited by
@Godfrey642 But neither hard-like Jewish or Islamic groups have anywhere near the reach and political clout that white evangelicals have in the US, so it makes eminent sense to focus on white evangelicals if we want to see how religion is distorting the political sphere.
@Tharpa Complementarism — based on biology — is at the heart of right-wing ideologies addressing gender issues today. I myself don't buy it and don't buy the biological determination of human beings and human nature.