Random Thought: the creation of the #Fediverse itself was an act of #radical #resistance, a #protest against the way things were via the creation of a new way we could do things, argument against the status quo by example.
Random Thought: the creation of the #Fediverse itself was an act of #radical #resistance, a #protest against the way things were via the creation of a new way we could do things, argument against the status quo by example. Everyone running a server or other piece of infrastructure is a leader in a global movement. Everyone posting, or even just lurking on here, is contributing to this resistance movement simply by giving us the content we need, and proving that we are right: this CAN be done.
#LateNightThoughts for y'all.
Josh Riversreplied to Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon: last edited by
@Raccoon As I look at the places I still consume corporate social media and what I get for that, I and absolutely knocked over with gratitude that this place exists and I have a social network of interest and connection.
It truly is radical.