Happy 7th anniversary of becoming an official W3C standard, ActivityPub!
Happy 7th anniversary of becoming an official W3C standard, ActivityPub!
ActivityPub is now a W3C Recommendation
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
W3C (www.w3.org)
We're creating something truly special here with the fediverse, and I am so thankful for everyone who contributes to it, whether with your time, money, or just by sharing your thoughts, your creations, your silly little jokes. Keep it up!
And I must also acknowledge the challenges we're dealing with here. I'm just begging everyone to be cool if you see someone using the fediverse a bit differently than what you're used to, or goes on a bit of a rant to vent a minor frustration, or asks a rhetorical question.
Not everything requires a response.
If you mostly agree with a post, give it a like/star/whatever, and move on with your life. If you disagree, but the person isn't hurting anyone, then the post is not for you.
I just want the fediverse to be a safe place we can share together, where people can come to be themselves, and where we can connect and help each other. We all need this.
#fediverse #activitypub #standards #OpenWeb #anniversary #BeCool #BeKind
@stefan online platforms (aka social) were problematic (ironically prone to trigger asocial behavior) from day one, already so many decades ago (usenet).
The causes have been studied by experts, the lack of means to re-inforce human connection over the wire etc.
The fediverse is really no exception in this, goes much deeper than protocols and moderation and UI etc. But every generation somehow must relearn.
@openrisk Yes, this is all true, but it seems we're doing something particularly wrong here if we're not able to keep folks from leaving for corporate social media.
I don't even mean people who consider the fediverse too much effort and don't bother even trying it out. I've seen too many people giving fediverse a fair try, and often being driven away by, as someone aptly put it recently, "friendly fire".
There is definitely something different about the culture here, and I just hope we can start doing better.
I've been active in the fediverse for a bit over two years now, and it still blows my mind that people can use an Instagram-like service and just casually interact with folks who are posting on a Reddit-like service or a Twitter-like service. Just like that.
Great stuff.
spla :senyera: :fed: :vim:replied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@stefan yes, I'm around since almost eight years ago and still amazed with ActivityPub
Stefan Bohacekreplied to spla :senyera: :fed: :vim: last edited by
@spla Ha, never gets old, does it.
Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud )replied to Stefan Bohacek last edited by
@stefan Wait. It isn't the norm?
@[email protected] see? I'm replying you from NodeBB. Amazing!
Stefan Bohacekreplied to Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud ) last edited by
@blenderdumbass You'd think so! It definitely should have been.
@spla Nice!
@stefan Amen Stephan. I have perfected the art of writing a response, looking at it and then deleting. I get whatever promoted the response out of my system and that’s enough. Took me awhile to get the hang of the delete key.
@MiriShuli Ha, yeah, definitely something people have to actively practice.
@stefan I have been the target of "friendly fire" for "being myself" and hardly dare post anything at all these days bar some bland beige comment about the weather or my shopping expeditions. I find it very anti-female on here, so have gone elsewhere.
@Judeet99 That's really disappointing, I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
I am very optimistic about some of the upcoming changes to Mastodon, namely quote boosts with proper privacy controls, and reply controls that should make it easy to disable unwanted replies.
Hopefully by the time these changes arrive, you and others will be willing to give the fediverse one last chance.