Gut feeling: #FOSDEM will be very political this time.
Gut feeling: #FOSDEM will be very political this time. Emergency devrooms to save democracy and fundamental human rights?
Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷replied to Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange: last edited by
@jwildeboer I'm a bit torn about what would happen if we *actually* made FLOSS "political".
Remember, we've got a significant percentage of folks who idolize Elon et al (still! the mind! it melts!), and statistically speaking, it's very unlikely there's no ... in the FLOSS communities either.
I absolutely think we should though; FLOSS events *should* be progressive beacons.
Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:replied to Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷 last edited by
@larsmb Everything is political. That's a given to me. My gut feeling is however that it will become more open (pun intended) instead of hidden in heated discussions at bars.
Those that know the history of ULB will not be surprised that having political discussions there is the norm, not an exception.