I got myself a #FreedomBox but am a complete noob to servers and self-hosting.
I got myself a #FreedomBox but am a complete noob to servers and self-hosting. This should be interesting!
The uses I'm most interested in: music streaming, blog hosting, and calendar/contacts. Maybe email at some point. If you've got suggestions for any of these, please share!
Also, any recommendations for domain registrars? Looking at #NameCheap right now.
#NameCheap are good (privacy included). #InternetBS, too.
In my experience as someone who did basically the same thing, also with little experience, the toughest parts were:
a) Dealing with your ISP changing your IP address regularly. You can fix this by running ddclient to regularly update Namecheap to your current IP address.
b) Meeting security standards for email, which is needs the right settings in your Namecheap domain (MX/TXT) settings.
Problem A assumes you're running your box at home, but is relatively easily fixed. The tougher part if you're running email from home is that the IP addresses given to home accounts have often been used for all kinds of spamming, and will often get your email blocked.
I now run two servers. One at home only for me with local access for my daily regular stuff, and another from a VPS with clean IP addresses for email and public facing stuff (eg for my family).
@Blort @freedomboxfndn I'll check with my ISP re IP address changes - thanks for the heads up!
For problem b - do I need to know those settings when I purchase the domain, or can I update them if/when I try email?
You don't need to know any settings when you buy a domain (make sure you get domain privacy though, which NameCheap includes for free).To run web services you just need to give NameCheap your IP address for the nameserver in the admin area. Then either ask for/pay your ISP for a static domain (usually expensive) or set up ddlient with the domain key which NameCheap have in their settings.
Later if you choose to do email, there are about 5 other settings to add.
@freedomboxfndn -
I know #Yunohost gives you those settings for email (MX records, TXT, DKIM etc). I'm not sure if @freedomboxfndn does or not. Hopefully they will reply here, but you don't need them until you want to start using email. If their software doesn't tell you, I'm sure they would have a page on their docs or you could ask on their forums.