... discussions on that topic which try to disambiguate a bit what that means. In the years before, it felt more like the different views on centralization led to arguments around whether the problem was more economic or political versus technical.
The view that seems to be emerging is that it's both, and we need to understand how technology and politics influence each other here. I think that is very hopeful! Because at least a fair number of people now have left behind the knee-jerk...
Jens Finkhäuserreplied to Jens Finkhäuser last edited by
... reaction of "not wanting to politicize tech". More now accept that the interaction exists, and that we can shape tech somewhat to help or hinder certain political developments.
The human rights policy considerations group may not have much direct influence on many protocol designers, but I feel they have paved the way with the guidance they issued for taking certain effects into consideration.
They're now focused on the more specific interaction between tech and intimate partner violence.