When’s the last time you saw a G-rated film in a theater?
When’s the last time you saw a G-rated film in a theater? If the answer to that question is “Toy Story 4,” congratulations—you saw perhaps the last truly successful G-rated film.
Turns out the G rating isn’t used so much anymore. Here’s why:
Do G-Rated Films Even Make Sense Anymore?
Based on the sharp decline of the G rating, apparently not. Learn why Hollywood seems to have left the general rating designation behind.
Tedium: The Dull Side of the Internet. (tedium.co)
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@ernie I had to look up what G was. Makes sense for Toy Story 4.
@mattl It was once much more prevalent. Basically it was what most children’s movies were rated as until about the mid-2010s, when PG became more accepted.
@ernie @mattl Story time, kids.
~20 years ago, I had conversation with family member. They were very mad about how adult scenes in an R rated movie went way too far & how that was totally inappropriate for an 8 year old to watch.
Which yeah, of course! But it's an R rated film. Like wtf did you expect?
Turns out they were OK with 8 yo watching films rated R for violence, like Platoon & Robocop. But if their kid saw boobies, well my heavens!
Scott Miller 🇺🇦 🇺🇸replied to Scott Miller 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 last edited by
@ernie @mattl Meanwhile, I've taken on a European attitude about this stuff, which is basically the exact opposite. Some boobies on the screen for 4 seconds, who cares.
But a movie with graphic violence, I hope my kids never experience that, ever. Platoon is a great film, but not for an 8 year old.
ETA: the point of this story is the parent said if you don't let your kids see R rated movies, there's nothing else left. Which... ???
Shannon Clarkreplied to Scott Miller 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 last edited by
@scottmiller42 @ernie @mattl @cainmark the worst film I saw as a kid was Gremlins.
There is a reason it helped lead to the PG-13 rating existing.
But that movie was scaring as a young kid watching it - I was just about 10 years old and saw it the first week it was released (and this was back before internet reviews etc). It starts off cute.
But then becomes a horror film. I think I’ve seen it once or twice since as a an adult but still dislike it pretty intensely.
Scott Miller 🇺🇦 🇺🇸replied to Shannon Clark last edited by
@Rycaut @ernie @mattl @cainmark Yeah, Gremlins as shot & cut is not really a kid's movie at all. Could have been but isn't.
The worst movie I saw as a kid was The Shining at age 11. The woman running the at-home daycare rented VHS to keep us docile & occupied. That was the selection one day. I wish I was kidding. It's not merely violent, it's terrifying, and left me scarred for years.
The stories I could tell. With her, I'd have been safer left at home alone.
Shannon Clarkreplied to Scott Miller 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 last edited by
@scottmiller42 @ernie @mattl @cainmark and movies like Gremlins or The Shining (or Platoon etc) I would agree with you are vastly more scaring and problematic for kids to see than a naked breast.
Though a lot of films of my childhood/teen years (80’s and early 90’s) are problematic for what they normalize for other reasons than just nakedness (revenge of the nerds for example is horrific in what it shows the “good guys” doing)